John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Welcome to 2k23-2k24 School Year!

Hey #Davis7! Welcome to the 2k23-2k24 school year! This website is where you will find all documents, due dates, and everything else 7th grade social studies!  Mr. Barry is the author of the class website; however, Ms. Jordan and Mr. Barry are both on the same page with our lessons, assignments, and assessments.  

Save this website to your favorites: 

Email addresses:  Mr. Barry -        Ms. Jordan - 

How to compose an email to us:  

Mr. Barry/Ms. Jordan,

This is (student name) and I have a question/wanted to know/etc.  Be sure your message is in complete sentences, and please use proper capitalization & grammar rules.

Thank you!
-Student name

Instagram/Twitter: @MrBarry628 & JdyJordan1 -- We post a lot of social studies stuff here, and if you'd like to follow and see what we post and what we do, have fun browsing!  


Day 1
In Class:  First day of school quiz -- Syllabus & acceptable tech use -- Introduce Geography!
HW:  Acceptable use signature due Friday

Day 2, 3, & 4
In Class:  Continue the Geography Unit
HW:  Acceptable use signature due Friday