John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, April 30, 2021

Week 34: May 3-7, 2k21

Zooooooom Info

Ms. Jordan - 880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:  The Cold War! 
  • Have we as a nation ever had a moment like that in our lifetimes? (the Cuban Missile Crisis)
  • Cold War in Vietnam:  What was the purpose of America going to Vietnam?
  • Had the Cold War gone too far at this point by American getting involved in Vietnam?
  • Music in the Cold War -- Vietnam War inspired music
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  The Cold War! 
  • Vietnam comes to a close...How did the United States prove their Cold War efforts were failing in Asia?
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  The Cold War! 
  • The end of the Cold War is near!  Vietnam ends...Soviet Union collapses
  • The Berlin Wall comes down
  • McDonald's opens in Russia and this is a big deal!
HW:  You have a test on the Cold War on Day 1 next week.  The test is an in class essay. The essay question is posted below:

Explain how the events from 1949-1991 were a “Cold War”?

In your explanation, you must include the following terms:  (-5 points for each term not listed)

Cuban Missile Crisis Vietnam War Korean War

China Containment Soviet Union

Arms/Space Race Berlin Wall         Ronald Reagan


Monday, April 26, 2021

Week 33: April 26-30, 2k21

Zooooooom Info
Ms. Jordan - 880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857
Day 1
In Class:  The Cold War!  -- Mr. B's classes will go over the Q's he asked you to answer while he was out on Thursday.  Topics of discussion today will include:
  • -Marshall Plan & Berlin Airlift -- Did the Marshall Plan and Airlift further divide the Soviet Union and the USA and Europe?
  • -The Rosenbergs Trial -- Was this a justified execution?  What kind of message was the US sending to its citizens?
  • -The U2 Bomber and the Arms Race -- How were people in the United States affected by this arms race and what practices did they begin?
HW: None!

Day 2
In Class:  The Cold War!  -- Duck and Cover!

  • -Duck and Cover -- Did this seem realistic?  How do you think this film and these ideas both helped Americans feel and instill fear?
  • -In what ways does the film/music industry still produce propaganda?
  • -The Cold War moves to Asia -- China -- Korea -- How was the spread of communism to China and Korea a "failure" by the United States and was the fight against communism that important to the United States?
  • -How was the Korean War a failure for the United States and the world to fight against communism?
  • -Did the United States really need to fight to contain communism in Asia?
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  The Cold War!  -- The Cold War in Asia and reaches Cuba
  • What was the biggest threat about communism reaching Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis?
  • Have we as a nation ever had a moment like that in our lifetimes? (the Cuban Missile Crisis)
  • Cold War in Vietnam:  What was the purpose of America going to Vietnam?
  • Had the Cold War gone too far at this point by American getting involved in Vietnam?
  • Music in the Cold War -- Vietnam War inspired music
HW:  None!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Mr. B's Class for Thursday, April 22, 2k21

Hey Gang!  I am not in today because I am showing some minor side effects of my second COVID vaccine.  I promise you I am fine! I am simply unable to make it into the building today and it is better to be safe than sorry!

Please turn in your HW to the teacher about the "War" Q's and they will put that HW on my desk at school so I can check it all out on Friday.  I look forward to reading your answers!

Please complete the following in class today and turn it in for a HW grade.

Read pages 2-6 and answer the following Q's then turn into the teacher for a HW grade

  1. Pre-reading Q:  What do you know, if anything, about the Cold War?
  2. Who was in power in the Soviet Union during and after World War II?
  3. What were the goals of Stalin's Five-Year Plans?
  4. After reading about Stalin and the Great Purge, how does this sound similar to that of what we learned about in our China unit with Mao Zedong, The Great Leap Forward, the Red Guards, and the Cultural Revolution, etc?
  5. What did the Allied Powers do to Germany after WWII?  Do you think this was a good idea?
  6. Why do you think Stalin and the Soviet Union were frustrated when President Truman informed them about the atomic bomb?
  7. What nations would be affected in the Cold War from 1945-1991?
  8. The differences between the United States and the Soviet Union resulted in beliefs of what?
  9. What is containment?  Do you think it was in America's best interest to do this with other nations?
  10. Just like the Cold War, many people today question if it is in the best interest of America, or other nations, to "contain" the spread of political/social/economic ideas and principles.  Do you think America should continue to do this?  Explain why/why not.
  11. What was the "iron curtain"?
  12. After watching the flick embedded in the doc, how did the Berlin Wall become an important symbol of the Cold War?
  13. Do you think America is in a "Cold War" with China or North Korea or other nations in the world?  Explain your answer...
When finished with the Q's.  Watch John Green below and enjoy!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Week 32: April 19-23, 2k21

Zooooooom Info
Ms. Jordan - 880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:   Going over the Civil Rights Q's in class...

These are articles written in Track & Field News Magazine in 1968 on the eve of the Olympic Games.

  1. Civil and Human Rights go far beyond the United States of America. These rights apply to the world! What do you think are the three most important human rights from the Declaration of Human Rights. Why did you choose these human rights? Explain in significant detail what this human right means to you and how it impacts your life and others.
  2. Sports have always been a place where barriers have been broken. Explain how athletes have had an impact on Civil Rights. You must use Jesse Owens and Tommie Smith & John Carlos’ example in your explanation. You may use other athletes as well. Do you think Smith and Carlos should have made a political statement during the Olympic Games? Do you think they should have made their statements during the national anthem? Explain your answers.
  3. Is it appropriate for professional or college athletes and/or movie stars, and/or professional sports organizations to make political statements. (i.e. Major League Baseball relocating the All-Star Game based on a voting law, or how professional athletes take a knee during the national anthem, or how Kanye West ran for president in 2020) Explain your answer and provide at least one example.
HW: None!

Day 2
In Class:  War...The Cold War Unit 1945-1991....  Types of war -- The Cold War -- Stalin 

HW:  Go home, and ask your parents/guardians:  What do you think has been the scariest war in world history?  What type of warfare do you fear the most?  Explain whether you agree or disagree with your parent/guardians.  Due Day 3 for a HW grade

Day 3
HW: None

Friday, April 9, 2021

Week 31: April 12-16, 2k21

Zooooooom Info
Ms. Jordan -
880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857

The following Q’s are a Quiz Grade due Monday, April 19. These are to be typed, MLA format, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. Each Q is worth 10 points. You must provide a minimum of five sentences in each of your answers and you must answer all parts of the Q’s.
  1. You have all heard about Jim Crow laws from readings in Language Arts, To Kill a Mockingbird, and in 5th grade when learning about the 16th St. Church bombing. Schools were some of the most affected areas of Jim Crow laws. YOU go to school! Why would the government want schools to be places where segregation laws were applied? How could schools further separate whites and blacks? How could schools be a good place to reinforce segregationist ideas? Do you think segregation still exists today in the United States in some form or fashion?
  2. Civil and Human Rights go far beyond the United States of America. These rights apply to the world! What do you think are the three most important human rights from the Declaration of Human Rights. Why did you choose these human rights? Explain in significant detail what this human right means to you and how it impacts your life and others.
  3. Sports have always been a place where barriers have been broken. Explain how athletes have had an impact on Civil Rights. You must use Jesse Owens and Tommie Smith & John Carlos’ example in your explanation. You may use other athletes as well. Do you think Smith and Carlos should have made a political statement during the Olympic Games? Do you think they should have made their statements during the national anthem? Explain your answers.
  4. Is it appropriate for professional or college athletes and/or movie stars, and/or professional sports organizations to make political statements. (i.e. Major League Baseball relocating the All-Star Game based on a voting law, or how professional athletes take a knee during the national anthem, or how Kanye West ran for president in 2020) Explain your answer and provide at least one example.

Videos In the Order They Appear in the Doc
Declaration of the Human Rights - 5 min

Declaration of Human Rights Detailed - 5 min

Alabama on the News in the 1960s - 4 min

History Channel - Martin Luther King, Jr's I Have A Dream Explanation - 3 min

1968 Olympics Black Power Salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos - 3 min

OPTIONAL Flicks IF You Choose
The Story Behind the White Guy (Peter Norman) in the Photo - 8 Min

Jesse Owens in Berlin - More Than Just a Race...