John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Week 31: April 1-4, 2k19

Welcome to April #Untouchables!

Image result for washington dc

Day 1
In Class:  United Nations and EU Test!
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Road to Washington, D.C...Getting ready to go to Washington, D.C... Receive composition notebook, let's start gearing up for the DC trip!
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class: Washington, D.C. Pre-trip unit!
HW:  None!

Day 4
In Class: Washington, D.C. Pre-trip unit!
HW:  None!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

United Nations and European Union Test Study Guide

#Davis7, here is your study guide for the United Nations and European Union Test for Monday, 4/1...

  1. What is the United Nations?
  2. What are some issues the United Nations deal with?
  3. Be able to list four rights from the Declaration of Human Rights...
  4. What is the main purpose of the United Nations?
  5. Is every country in the world a member of the United Nations?
  6. What is the European Union?
  7. How many members are in the European Union?
  8. What is an economic force that unites the European Union?
  9. What is an economic strains that divide the European Union?
  10. How does the EU government unite Europe?
  11. How does the EU government divide Europe?
  12. How does the EU promote a cultural identity and how does it create cultural diversity?
  13. What the heck is Brexit?
  14. What is one major item exported by a country in the EU and what do they export?
  15. What is the name of a force that unites people and countries?
  16. What is the name of a force that divides people and countries?

Monday, March 25, 2019

Week 30: March 25-29, 2k19

Day 1
In Class:  Turn in your Civil and Human Rights writing assignment!  Continue with our discussion about the United Nations and the Declaration of Human Rights...Examine five global issues the United Nations faced in 2018.

Image result for declaration of human rights

5 Issues Global Issues for the United Nations 2k18...Thoughts on the video?

HW:  United Nations HW due by Day 2.  Choose TWO of the Q's below and answer them as best you can based on what you now know about the United Nations. This must be typed, MLA Format!
1. What do you think the United Nations should put as its most important world problem? Why do you feel this way?
2. What do you think are some barriers to world peace?
3. How can the United Nations try to eliminate poverty and illiteracy in the world?
4. Why do you think some world issues are so difficult to solve?

Day 2
In Class:  Let's look at your Q's HW and discuss! -- Introduce the European Union!

What the heck is the EU???

HW: EU Test on April 1 

Day 3
In Class:  How European is your Union?  European Union!  -- Brexit!!!

HW: EU Test on April 1

Day 4
In Class:  Brexit!!!
HW: Brexit HW assignment due Monday!  Test on Monday, April 1

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Pictures from Center for Civil and Human Rights

Hey #Davis7, many of you were asking about how to access some of the pictures for your HW assignment for Monday regarding our museum visit to the Center for Civil and Human Rights.  Here is the link to the pictures I took from the museum:

Homework Assignment due Monday, 3/25...

Museum HW assignment due Monday, March 25 for ALL S. Studies
You must answer one of these questions in paragraph form and submit it Monday, March 25 for a HW grade.  MLA Format, typed, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced.
-10 pts if incorrectly formatted...

  1. You have all heard about Jim Crow laws from readings in Language Arts, To Kill a Mockingbird, and in 5th grade when learning about the 16th St. Church bombing. Schools were some of the most affected areas of Jim Crow laws.  YOU go to school!  Look at the Jim Crow laws about education and be able to provide a few examples of what these laws stated.  Why would school be a place where segregation laws were applied? How would schools be a good place to reinforce segregationist ideas?  Why would these states want segregation?

  1. In 5th grade y’all traveled to Birmingham and visited the 16th St. Baptist Church, where the four girls were killed in a tragic bombing.  How does this exhibit resonate with you as a Jew? Think about the structure of the exhibit, the light, the dark, and the visuals...

  1. Civil Rights activists were trained in nonviolent resistance.  Be able to provide a few ways in which these activists nonviolently protested.  Do we still see these types of protests and practices today? How so? Where have we seen these protests in recent days?

  1. Civil and Human Rights go far beyond the United States of America.  These rights apply to the world! After the Global Human Rights Movement exhibit there were a number of images and readings.  The United Nations has a significant number of human rights. Provide one example of a human right identified by the UN and why did you choose this human right?  Explain in significant detail what this human right mean to you and how it impacts your life.

  1. Look at the “Ethical Footprint” part of the exhibit in the Global Human Rights Movement.  Select an item that you see and that exhibit (chocolate, flowers, soccer, clothing, cell phones, etc) How are the human rights violated in the production of this product.  How do you now feel about the production of these items and human rights?  Have your opinions/thoughts changed? How so?

  1. Sports have always been a place where barriers have been broken.  This exhibit looks at how athletes have used their platform to affect social change.  Explain what themes are explored in this exhibit and who is used to demonstrate these themes.  What were some of the events on display? How did they demonstrate change?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Week 29: March 18-22, 2k19

Day 1
In Class:  Let's finish WWII by summarizing the following moments of the war and explain what they meant...

1. Dec. 7, 1941 -- Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor...US then gets involved and the "giant is awoken"...
2. Jun 6, 1944 -- D-Day: Allied forces invade Normandy, France and liberate France from Nazi control...
D-Day Actual Footage

D-Day History Channel 

3. Aug. 6 and Aug. 9, 1945 -- Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki...New type of warfare introduced and the war immediately ends on the Asian Front...

Atomic Bomb Test Footage...

It would be an understatement to say that many things changed after World War II.  Like World War I, much of Europe was destroyed by the fighting and bombings that had taken place over the years. Borders needed to be redrawn. Reparations needed to be paid. New governments needed to be created/elected. The world was in shambles.  Africa, Asia, and Europe were rattled and some parts of these continents rendered useless. Many countries in the western part of Europe returned to the same governments and borders they had prior to the war...

What Death Looked Like After World War II...

Introduce the United Nations!

HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  The United Nations continued...
1. What is the United Nations?
2. What does the United Nations do?
3. What are the goals of the United Nations?
4. What are some global issues of the United Nations?
HW:  None!

Day 3 -- Headed to the Center for Civil and Human Rights -- Civil and Human Rights Homework Assignment due Monday, March 25.

Day 4 -- No Classes -- Purim!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Monday, March 11, 2k19 - Mr. Barry's Class

Hey #davis7, I am unable to be there today as I am stuck in New York City because of flight problems.  I know you miss me even though I do not miss you.  Here's what y'all got today!

On Thursday, y'all read about the Treaty of Versailles, y'all watched a movie about the treaty, and then y'all read about Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points speech and the League of Nations.  It's too bad the League of Nations failed too, huh?  Oh well...Gotta move on Woodrow Wilson!...So, World War I ends and the League of Nations is accepted by a lot of countries in Europe, but NOT the United States.  The League of Nations actually fails big time too because of what happened in Europe from 1920-1930...I would like you to read the following part of the World Wars Doc together as a class:

Contributing Factors to World War II:  Treaty of Versailles, Militarism Part II, League of Nations Failed, Germany invades Poland...  When finished, please watch the following flick and answer the following Q for a HW grade:  Do you think World War I and the results lead to World War II?  Explain why/why not.    Please have this turned in either by the end of the period or when you come to class for Day 2 this week...It can be handwritten or typed...DETAILS!!!!

Week 28: March11-15, 2k19

Welcome to the FIRST week of the LAST Trimester!

Day 1
In Class: Summarize the League of Nations -- Wilson's Fourteen Points after World War I -- Introduce the contributing factors to World War II  World Wars Doc

HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class: What did World War II look like?  Photo and Propaganda Analysis speed dating! 
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class: What did World War II look like?  Photo and Propaganda Analysis speed dating!  -- Looking at World War II Photographs and Political Propaganda evaluation and discussion...
HW:  None!

Day 4 - No Classes -- Parent/Teacher Conferences!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Day 3 Updated for classes!

Hey #Davis7, here is an updated Day 3 Lesson!

Let's watch these two videos that "summarize" World War I...Thoughts?

The One Thing You Should Know About World War I

The Legacy of World War I

Now, let's read Pages 4-5 on the World Wars Doc

Treaty of Versailles, 1919 -- You are receiving a handout before watching this short flick...

Now that you've watched the short flick, read the Summary of the Fourteen Points...  
Now, choose THREE of the Q’s below and answer them on a separate sheet.  You have the rest of class to do this and if you finish early, turn your answers in...If you do not finish these Q's, you will turn them in on Monday for a HW grade!

  1. Should the nations that lost be punished? If so, how? What should be done with them?
  2. How do we physically reconstruct the land after such destruction?
  3. Who should be in charge of rebuilding towns, railroads, bridges, buildings, houses of worship?
  4. How do these soldiers go back to “civilian life” after such a war?
  5. Who should draw the new borders of Europe and how should they draw borders on the land that ensure these “nations” are happy?
  6. How do the economies of Europe, Africa, and Asia recover from the destruction?
  7. How can we ensure that something like this never happens again?
  8. After reading the Fourteen Points above, do you think it is fair that Woodrow Wilson proclaimed these Fourteen Points and asked Europe to follow/enforce them?  Why/why not?

            Saturday, March 2, 2019

            Week 27: March 4-8, 2k19

            Welcome to March!  Huzzah! March!  This is the last week of Trimester 2!
            Day 1
            In Class:  The -ism's test -- Nationalism, Socialism, Patriotism, Zionism, Capitalism, Fascism, and Communism!
            HW:  None!

            Day 2
            In Class:  Continue with World War I in Europe -- How was World War I fought?  What is ONE word that describes World War I?

            World War I in ONE Word

            World War I Tech

            HW:  None!

            Day 3
            In Class:  More World War I! -- Impact and legacy of World War I -- The failed Treaty of Versailles and the, now, buildup to World War II

            HW:  None!