John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Week 7: Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2k21

Day 1
In Class:  Turn in the Black Death Essays -- Discussion about the Black Death and the impact it had on Europe -- Welcome to the Renaissance -- Renaissance Guided Notes!  -- Comparing the Middle Ages to the AWESOME Renaissance!

HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Welcome to the Renaissance -- Renaissance Guided Notes!
HW:  None

Day 3
In Class:   The School of Athens!

The School of Athens is regarded as one of the greatest pieces of artwork in the world. Using the information you learned from the Khan Academy video and the text below about the fresco, you are to answer the following question:

How is Raphael’s School of Athens fresco an excellent demonstration of Renaissance art illustrating classicism and philosophy?

This is an essay that may not be longer than two pages typed, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. -5 points for any of these rules not followed. The essay will be written in the third person! The paper will have an introduction of 3-5 sentences that explains to the reader (me) the following information:
  • Who painted the School of Athens & when was the School of Athens painted?
  • What was Raphael’s purpose for the painting? & where is the School of Athens fresco physically located?
  • Thesis statement saying this fresco is a good example of Renaissance art because....
Your essay will have three body paragraphs. The first body paragraph will define humanism and provide at least one example of how humanism is illustrated in Raphael’s fresco. The second body paragraph will define classicism and provide at least one example of how classicism is illustrated in Raphael’s fresco. The third body paragraph will define philosophy and provide at least one example of how philosophy is illustrated in Raphael’s fresco.

Day 3
In Class:   The School of Athens writing assignment!  Due Monday, Oct. 4
HW: The School of Athens writing assignment!  Due Monday, Oct. 4

Day 4
In Class:   The School of Athens writing assignment!  Due Monday, Oct. 4
HW: The School of Athens writing assignment!  Due Monday, Oct. 4

Friday, September 17, 2021

Week 6: Sept. 20-24, 2k21

Day 1
In Class:  Coat of Arms project!  
Coat of Arms Project Video!

HW: Coat of Arms Project due Day 3!

Day 2
In Class:  Coat of Arms project!  -- Due Day 3! -- If finished, here is your next task!
In a two paragraph explanation, answer the following Q’s below...Quiz Grade based on accuracy and grammar/mechanics. 5 point increments for the paragraph.
  1. How did one first get the disease?
  2. How could you prevent yourself from getting the disease?
  3. How did the disease spread?
  4. How could you tell if you were immediately infected?
  5. How long did you have to live once infected?
  6. What medical or religious practices could you take in protecting yourself from the disease?
  7. Who did the people of Europe turn to to help answer their questions about the plague?
  8. What were the results of the plague?
  9. How did the Black Death really end the Middle Ages?
  10. How is the Black Death both similar and different to today's Coronavirus pandemic?
HW: Coat of Arms Project due Day 3!

Day 3
In Class:  Welcome to the Black Death!!! -- Black Death writing assignment -- Due Monday, Sept. 27
In a two paragraph explanation, answer the following Q’s below...Quiz Grade based on accuracy and grammar/mechanics. 5 point increments for the paragraph.
  1. How did one first get the disease?
  2. How could you prevent yourself from getting the disease?
  3. How did the disease spread?
  4. How could you tell if you were immediately infected?
  5. How long did you have to live once infected?
  6. What medical or religious practices could you take in protecting yourself from the disease?
  7. Who did the people of Europe turn to to help answer their questions about the plague?
  8. What were the results of the plague?
  9. How did the Black Death really end the Middle Ages?
  10. How is the Black Death both similar and different to today's Coronavirus pandemic?

HW: Coat of Arms Project due Day 3!

Day 4
In Class: Welcome to the Black Death!!! -- Black Death writing assignment -- Due Monday, Sept. 27

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Week 5: September 13-17, 2k21

Day 1
In Class: Going over the Middle Ages Q's!

Central Q's for this Unit! -- Answering these Q's in your Journal & 
We will go over on Day 2 of next week -- Sept. 14/15.

  1. What is feudalism?
  2. Why did Europe resort to feudalism after the fall of the Roman Empire?
  3. Who were the different members of the social hierarchy in Europe? You can draw a pyramid or a chart to answer this Q if you would like.
  4. Who was Charlemagne & what were his three biggest contributions to his kingdom? (opinionated based on the reading!)
  5. Who were the three main groups of invaders to Western Europe during the Middle Ages?
  6. Who was William the Conqueror and how did he change Europe? - Mr. Barry loves William the Conqueror :)
  7. What was life like on a manor and in a castle?
  8. How did one become a Knight?
  9. What was life like for a 7th grader?...I mean a serf?
  10. Draw a pyramid and put the social hierarchy of the Catholic Church from bottom to top & what did the Church provide the people during the Middle Ages?
  11. List are the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church?
  12. What was the purpose of the Crusades & after reading about the Crusades, who were the winners & losers?
  13. What was the purpose of the illuminated manuscript?
  14. How did a teenage girl save Feudal France? :)
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Finish any Middle Ages!  Introduce the Coat of Arms project! -- Due Sept. 22/23 Day 3
Coat of Arms Explanation Video Below -- Watch Me!

HW:  Coat of Arms project due Sept 22/23 -- Day 3

Day 3
In Class: Coat of Arms project! -- Due Sept. 22/23 Day 3
HW:  Coat of Arms project due Sept 22/23 -- Day 3

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Week 4: Sept. 6-10, 2k21

Monday -- Labor Day -- No School

Tuesday & Wednesday -- Rosh Hashanah -- No School

Day 1 & 2 
In Class:  Finish any "Roman stuff" and then dive right on into the Middle Ages!  Just look at how awful the artwork was from 476-1300.  Ugh! I much rather prefer the Renaissance!  In order to get to the Renaissance though, we need to learn about the Middle Ages!

Central Q's for this Unit! -- Answering these Q's in your Journal & 
We will go over on Day 2 of next week -- Sept. 14/15.

  1. What is feudalism?

  2. Why did Europe resort to feudalism after the fall of the Roman Empire?

  3. Who were the different members of the social hierarchy in Europe? You can draw a pyramid or a chart to answer this Q if you would like.

  4. Who was Charlemagne & what were his three biggest contributions to his kingdom? (opinionated based on the reading!)

  5. Who were the three main groups of invaders to Western Europe during the Middle Ages?

  6. Who was William the Conqueror and how did he change Europe? - Mr. Barry loves William the Conqueror :)

  7. What was life like on a manor and in a castle?

  8. How did one become a Knight?

  9. What was life like for a 7th grader?...I mean a serf

  10. Draw a pyramid and put the social hierarchy of the Catholic Church from bottom to top & what did the Church provide the people during the Middle Ages?

  11. List are the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church?

  12. What was the purpose of the Crusades & after reading about the Crusades, who were the winners & losers?

  13. What was the purpose of the illuminated manuscript?

  14. How did a teenage girl save Feudal France? :)