In Class: Going over the Middle Ages Q's!
Central Q's for this Unit! -- Answering these Q's in your Journal &
We will go over on Day 2 of next week -- Sept. 14/15.
- What is feudalism?
- Why did Europe resort to feudalism after the fall of the Roman Empire?
- Who were the different members of the social hierarchy in Europe? You can draw a pyramid or a chart to answer this Q if you would like.
- Who was Charlemagne & what were his three biggest contributions to his kingdom? (opinionated based on the reading!)
- Who were the three main groups of invaders to Western Europe during the Middle Ages?
- Who was William the Conqueror and how did he change Europe? - Mr. Barry loves William the Conqueror :)
- What was life like on a manor and in a castle?
- How did one become a Knight?
- What was life like for a 7th grader?...I mean a serf?
- Draw a pyramid and put the social hierarchy of the Catholic Church from bottom to top & what did the Church provide the people during the Middle Ages?
- List are the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church?
- What was the purpose of the Crusades & after reading about the Crusades, who were the winners & losers?
- What was the purpose of the illuminated manuscript?
- How did a teenage girl save Feudal France? :)
HW: None!
Day 2
In Class: Finish any Middle Ages! Introduce the Coat of Arms project! -- Due Sept. 22/23 Day 3
Coat of Arms Explanation Video Below -- Watch Me!
HW: Coat of Arms project due Sept 22/23 -- Day 3
Day 3
In Class: Coat of Arms project! -- Due Sept. 22/23 Day 3
HW: Coat of Arms project due Sept 22/23 -- Day 3