John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, December 11, 2020

Week 17: Dec. 14-18, 2k20


Zooooooom Info
Ms. Jordan - 880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857

Day 1, 2 and 3 -- Project due by Friday, Dec. 18 - All Classes!
In Class:  Welcome to our last major world religion: Hinduism.  Hinduism is an incredibly detailed religion and many claim that Hinduism is also a way of life.  We are going to learn about Hinduism "at our own pace" with the readings and this project.

Read the following Docs about Hinduism:

Acrostic Poem Project: Hinduism

Our next major world religion is Hinduism.  You are creating an acrostic poem that would teach someone who knows nothing about Hinduism a little about this religion. Compose an acrostic poem for the word Hinduism.  Follow the guidelines below. 

This is a Quiz grade. Ms. Jordan & Mr. Barry will provide you with the paper, colored pencils, markers, etc to work on the project in class. The poem must be handwritten, so take your time writing the information so it “looks” legible :)

Include a minimum of two sentences for each letter in the word Hinduism. A sample sentence is provided below but you may not use it.

You must use at least ten key/vocab words that you will read about in this unit: 
Dharma, karma, Sanskrit, Brahman(ism), deity, om, caste system, Vedas, pilgrimage, samsura, cow, atman

Provide one image per letter either hand drawn or printed in color and pasted to each of the letters and label it. Ensure that it relates to the letter of the poem. Must be a color picture.

You must have at least one deity/god/goddess as an image on your project and explain who it is and what they represent…(An avatar...Vishnu, Shiva, etc…) You may use it in one of your letters and be an “image” from one of the letters.

Color Color Color! Hindus believe very deeply that color is important to culture and life. Use color! Look at the images we’ve examined over this unit and attempt to match the patterns if you can. Use different colors for each letter/sentence.

Rubric: 60 points total
Neatness & Following Directions Above -- 10 points
Sentences -- 40 points -- 5 pts per sentences -- Detailed, well explained, grammatically correct, and easy to comprehend/follow
Pictures -- 10 points

Friday, December 4, 2020

Week 16: Dec. 7-11, 2k20

Zooooooom Info
Ms. Jordan -
880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class: 
Finishing up any last Q's and discussion about Islam then the Islam Test...
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Introduce our second world religion:  Christianity...

Introduce Christianity and Central Q's for Christianity.  The Q's below are the Central Q's for Christianity.  You each have a blank mind map sheet.  You are to provide the answers to the Q's below on this mind map.  You can answer these Q's by text or drawing in your mind map.  Below are two examples of what a mind map is.  Yes, kinda like a web...  

Though you are answering most of the Q's below in text format, Ms. Jordan and Mr. Barry would like a minimum three drawings on your mind map about Christianity that demonstrate your understanding of the Q's below.  These three drawings can be answers to the Q's below or of something related to what you learned in the doc/unit about Christianity.

Use the following Docs to answer the Q's:  Christianity Doc and Christianity PDF
  1. Who is the founder?
  2. According to the cool color-coded map, what are four different sects of Christianity in the United States?
  3. How much of the world is Christian?
  4. What are the 3 nations with the largest Christian population & what percent of that nation is Christian?
  5. Of the top 10 nations with the largest Christian population in the world, what percent of the world’s Christian population are they?
  6. Where was Christianity founded?
  7. Who are the 4 Gospels & what do the Gospels teach?
  8. What were the two most important teachings of Jesus Christ?
  9. What is the parable of the Good Samaritan?
  10. Did Jesus try to create a new religion?
  11. Why did the Romans fear Jesus?
  12. A schism is a division among something.  What two churches did the Great Schism create in 1054?
  13. What type of Christianity did Martin Luther create?
  14. What is a sacrament?
  15. What is baptism?
  16. What is Holy Communion? 
  17. What is the Holy Trinity?
  18. Why is Sunday considered the day of church services?
  19. Do Christians believe in eternal life?
  20. What is Easter?
This is a HW grade due by the end of the class period on Day 3 of this week.  

Related image

Image result for Mind Web

Day 3
In Class:  Continue reading about Christianity and finishing the Christianity Mind Map assignment
HW:  None!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Week 15: Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2k20

Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break! 
 We've got three busy weeks until Winter Break, so here we go!

Zooooooom Info
Ms. Jordan - 880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:
  Renaissance Dinner Party projects due!   Introduce the World Religions Unit - First unit = Islam

Using the Islam Unit PDF below , answer the following Q's by

the end of the class period for a Quiz grade.

Islam Unit Questions (It says the same thing below…)
سؤال وحدة الإسلام (sual wahdat al'islam)
  1. Where was Islam founded and who is the founder of Islam?
  2. The founder of Islam claimed that he was a ____________________________ just like that of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and David.
  3. What is the name of the place where Abraham built his house of worship?
  4. Geographically speaking, where is Mecca in relation to Israel? Use the map on page 2
  5. What is the name of the holy scripture/book of Islam?
  6. Did the people who began following Muhammad believe he was the founder of Islam or a prophet like those before him?
  7. What does Allah mean?
  8. Did Muhammad believe that Allah was the same God as that of Abraham and Jesus?
  9. What does the word “Muslim” mean? (it is an Arabic word)
  10. According to Muhammad’s teachings, why did some Arabs reject his preaching?
  11. According to the image and description on page 5 of the packet, what is the Dome of the Rock building?
  12. Why do you think Muhammad and his forces destroyed the idols (statues of gods) when they marched to Mecca in 630 CE? (this answer is not in the text...make an inference)
  13. What does caliph mean?
  14. Based on the readings on the four caliphs, why do you think there was such a divide over who should be the true leaders of Islam after Muhammad’s death? (this answer is not in the text...make an inference)
  15. A schism means a split or divide between strongly opposing parties or sections. What two groups formed after the great schism in Islam?
  16. Which party of Muslims believe that only people directly related to Muhammad should be the caliph?
  17. Is Islam the largest religion in the world?
  18. Where do most Muslims live in the world today?
  19. What are three things Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have in common?
  20. What is sunnah & provide three examples of Sunnah according to the images and text on page 13 in the packet.
  21. What is the Hadith?
  22. What is the first Pillar of Islam and what does it mean?
  23. What is the second Pillar of Islam and what does it mean?
  24. What is the third Pillar of Islam and what does it mean? What about the third Pillar of Islam is similar in Judaism?
  25. What is the fourth Pillar of Islam and what does it mean? What do Muslims do during Ramadan?
  26. What is the fifth Pillar of Islam and what does it mean? Where do Muslims go during the Hajj?
  27. Explain what jihad means, but put the definition into your own words.
  28. What is Shariah and provide three examples of Shariah.
  29. After learning about Islam in this chapter and looking at the T-chart of Islam and Judaism, explain how Islam and Judaism are similar faiths.  Explain your answer in a few sentences.
HW:  Islam Test on Day 1 next week.

Day 2
In Class:  Going over the Islam Q's in class...
HW:  Islam Test on Day 1 next week.

Day 3
In Class:  Continue going over the Islam Q's...
HW:  Islam Test on Day 1 next week.  Below is a Crash Course Video Podcast about Islam by Mr. B!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Week 14: Nov. 16-20, 2k20

Zooooooom Info
Ms. Jordan - 880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857
Day 1
In Class:  School of Athens essays due!  Let's learn about Leonardo da Vinci in the Renaissance Doc and answer the following Q based on the flicks below and the reading in our Doc:  

The term “Renaissance man” comes from the type of man Leonardo da Vinci was. He was everything the Renaissance was. A Renaissance man is defined as: a person with many talents or areas of knowledge. In a paragraph, provide three examples of how Leonardo da Vinci is the Renaissance man based on the reading and the three flicks.  Graded in 5 point increments based on grammar and content.
-Renaissance advances in literature -- Niccolo Machiavelli
HW:  None if you finish the Leonardo da Vinci Q!

Day 2
In Class:  The Renaissance Dinner Party Assignment!  Leaders of the Renaissance Chapter Reading PDF

Welcome to the Renaissance Dinner Party!

Now that we’ve read about some leaders of the Renaissance, we’re now going to see who YOU think are the best, coolest, most funnest, whatever! 

You’re hosting a dinner party. No. You don’t have to cook. You don’t need to serve drinks. You do need to think about your guests though! Your guests are important figures from the Renaissance. My, what an interesting dinner this would be! You will create a dinner table on a posterboard and provide the following

Choose six guests of the Renaissance to invite to your dinner party! Include yourself at the head of the table and seat your guests next to others at the table on the poster board provided. Label the chairs where each guest will sit. Under each guest, provide a two to three sentence explanation of who they are. Print a picture of each guest and put it on the seats at the dinner table. The image does not need to be in color, but it is nice to see some color now and again!
The Renaissance Guest List
  • William Shakespeare           
  • Johannes Gutenberg 
  • Raphael Michelangelo 
  • Titian Albrecht Durer 
  • Andreas Vesalius 
  • Nicolaus Copernicus 
  • Queen Isabella of Spain 
  • Queen Elizabeth I of England 
  • Miguel Cervantes 
  • Leonardo da Vinci
Under each guest provide three questions you would ask them and explain why you would ask them the questions.

Under each guest, provide one question they would ask another guest at the dinner table and explain why they would ask that question and explain in a sentence or two why they would ask that particular guest the question.
Dinner Party Essay Rubric -- Quiz Grade

Content - 30 points (5 points each guest)
Poster Board - 10 points - Graded based on neatness & creativity & color. Use colored pencils or markers!

Template Notes -- HW Grade -- Graded in 5 point increments for completion and detail 

Day 3
In Class:  Renaissance Dinner Party!  Huzzah
HW:  Renaissance Dinner Party! -- Due Monday, November 30, after Thanksgiving Break -- All classes!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Week 13: Nov. 9/13 2k20

Zooooooom Info
Ms. Jordan - 880 938 770
Mr. Barry - 920 2495 7857


Day 1

In Class: From Rome to the Middle Ages to the Black Death!  Welcome to the European History context of our course this year!  

-What did the Roman Empire look like?
-How did the Roman Empire collapse and fall into despair in a Middle Ages?
-How did the Middle Ages' social hierarchy create division in Europe?
-How did the Black Death end the Middle Ages in Europe?
-How did the Black Death lead to a Renaissance in Europe? -- The Renaissance would be a rebirth of classical knowledge and studying..

Answering the Q's below in class
  1. How did one first get the disease?

  2. How could you prevent yourself from getting the disease?

  3. How did the disease spread?

  4. How could you tell if you were immediately infected?

  5. How long did you have to live once infected?

  6. What medical or religious practices could you take in protecting yourself from the disease?

  7. Who did the people of Europe turn to to help answer their questions about the plague?

  8. What were the results of the plague?

  9. How did the Black Death really end the Middle Ages?

  10. How is the Black Death both similar and different to today's Coronavirus pandemic?

Day 2
In Class: 
Welcome to the Renaissance!  Renaissance Doc

  1. What does "renaissance" mean?
  2. What did Renaissance thinkers challenge?
  3. Compare and contrast the differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in terms of how the people viewed education, questioning, the life/afterlife, religion, the power of the church, individualistic thinking, art/inventions
  4. What kind of art was reintroduced in the Renaissance?
  5. How did the printing press help enhance education and spread ideas?
  6. What were some advances in sculpture? Compare/contrast the David sculptures!
Introduce the School of Athens essay
How is Raphael’s School of Athens fresco an excellent demonstration of Renaissance art illustrating classicism and philosophy?

This is an essay that may not be longer than two pages typed, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. -5 points for any of these rules not followed. The essay will be written in the third person!

The paper will have an introduction of 3-5 sentences that explains to the reader (me) the following information:
  1. Who painted the School of Athens?
  2. When was the School of Athens painted?
  3. What was Raphael’s purpose of the painting?
  4. Where is the School of Athens located (the actual fresco)
  5. Thesis statement saying this fresco is a good example of Renaissance art.
The body paragraphs will use a minimum of three examples you found of how Raphael’s fresco is an accurate and excellent illustration of classicism and philosophy and how the painting is a true reflection of Renaissance art. You must have the following definitions in your essay: Renaissance, classicism and philosophy.
Paper is due Monday, Nov. 16, 2k20 all classes!

Day 3
In Class:
Working on the School of Athens paper
HW: School of Athens paper due Mon. Nov. 16, 2k20 all classes!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Week 12: Nov. 2-6, 2k20

Zooooom Info:
Ms. Jordan’s Students Meeting ID: 880 938 770
Mr. Barry's Students Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:
Election Quiz! -- Last minute discussions regarding the election
HW: None!

Day 2
In Class:  Review Election Day results 
-Who won the presidency?
-Is there an "unofficial" winner?
-Who won Georgia's Senate and House of Representative seats?
-How does the Senate/House of Representatives now look?
-What party now has the majority?
HW:  Election Day writing prompt due Friday (all classes)

Day 3
In Class:  From Rome to the Middle Ages to the Black Death!  Welcome to the European History context of our course this year!  
-What did the Roman Empire look like?
-How did the Roman Empire collapse and fall into despair in a Middle Ages?
-How did the Middle Ages' social hierarchy create division in Europe?
-How did the Black Death end the Middle Ages in Europe?
-How did the Black Death lead to a Renaissance in Europe? -- The Renaissance would be a rebirth of classical knowledge and studying..

HW:  Answer the Black Death Q's by Day 1 of next week!
  1. How did one first get the disease?

  2. How could you prevent yourself from getting the disease?

  3. How did the disease spread?

  4. How could you tell if you were immediately infected?

  5. How long did you have to live once infected?

  6. What medical or religious practices could you take in protecting yourself from the disease?

  7. Who did the people of Europe turn to to help answer their questions about the plague?

  8. What were the results of the plague?

  9. How did the Black Death really end the Middle Ages?

  10. How is the Black Death both similar and different to today's Coronavirus pandemic?

Friday, October 23, 2020

Week 11: Oct. 26-30, 2k20

Zooooom Info:
Ms. Jordan’s Students Meeting ID:
880 938 770
Mr. Barry's Students Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:  Presidential Debate #3 HW due -- President Donald Trump's Resume -- Explain why he should be re-elected.  Video below is "What makes a 'great' president?"  

HW:  In your SS notebook: According to statistics, the average president is 5'11.5" tall and weighs over 185 lbs.  He is a white male who is a Protestant.  According to where most presidents are from, they are from the Midwestern part of the nation.  They have served either in the House or Senate or served as Governor and more than half of them were lawyers who were college educated.  Just over two-thirds of all presidents have served in the military and all but one of them have been married.  Just over half of all presidents have eben a Republican since 1854.  Before 1864 most all presidents were Democratic....

Based on today's discussion and the above information, you have a job.   I want you to create the "perfect candidate", not based on looks, but on who they are.  You are going to create the resume and plans of a candidate you think would be the perfect candidate...
  1. What jobs did they have before campaigning for the presidency?  
  2. Are they wealthy or middle class?  
  3. Do they live in a more urban or rural area of the United States?  Should they be from a particular state or region in the United States? 
  4. Were they born into wealthy? 
  5. Maybe they are poor?  
  6. Maybe they were a teacher, or a custodian, or a lawyer, or a computer engineer?  
  7. How old are they?  
  8. Are they married?  
  9. Do they have kids? How many?
  10. Are the religious? What religion?  
  11. Are they tall, short, big, small, heavy, skinny?  
  12. What race or ethnicity are they? Does it even matter what ethnicity or religion they are?!  
Give me your PERFECT candidate! Give me as many details as you can!  The two links below might provide you with some insight as to what previous presidents have looked like. This ought to be interesting.

HW:  Perfect Candidate Due Day 2!

Day 2
In Class:  How should we vote? During this election, early and absentee voting are expected to reach record levels, with mail-in ballots drawing significant attention as a result. President Trump has repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that voting by mail is not safe or reliable -- but what do election experts say is the best method?

Based on the flicks below I want you to answer the following Q's in your SS notebook.  
This is  HW grade.

1. Voter suppression is a hot topic as of late. “Voter suppression” is any effort, either legal or illegal, by way of laws, administrative rules, and/or tactics that prevents eligible voters from registering to vote or voting. Many have argued that voter suppression is happening in many different states. What do you think are some ways voters are being suppressed based on what you have heard and from the flick below...

2. Why do you think so many Americans are choosing to vote by mail this year? (opinionated)
3. What are some of the issues or problems with mail in voting and early voting?
4. Should Americans be allowed to vote by smartphone? Explain your answer and how this procedure would go.
5. Do you think everyone in the nation who is eligible to vote should be required to vote? Explain your answer?
6. What do you think is the best format for voting.  It can be one of the methods we already vote or you can introduce and explain a new method for voting.
7. Election day is not a national holiday. Labor Day, Memorial Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and July 4th are examples of national holidays. Because Election day is not a national holiday this means millions of Americans still have to go to work on election day. Should election day be a national holiday where all businesses (nonessential) are closed in the same way as the holidays previously mentioned. Explain your answer.

Day 3
In Class:  Quiz on the Election Stuff -- Requirements to be President -- Powers of the President -- What are the general differences between Democrats and Republicans -- How many votes are there in the Electoral College? -- How many votes are needed to win the Electoral College? -- Can you win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote? -- What types of states do candidates want to win in the Electoral College?  One writing prompt that you cannot study for but trust me, you will be prepared to answer...You'll be fine.
HW:  None!  Shabbat Shalom!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Week 10: Oct. 19-23, 2k20

Zooooom Info:
Ms. Jordan’s Students Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Monday - Oct. 19 - Teacher Work Day!

Day 1
In Class:  Differences between Democrats and Republicans - What your parents think...
-How do Democrats and Republicans feel about: Gun rights, Interpretation of the Constitution, Climate Change, Immigration, Military spending, Healthcare, Taxes...
-How does the media influence if you are a Democrat or a Republican?


Day 2
In Class:  The Electoral College and how it works!  Watch the following flicks and answer the following Q's for a HW grade.  The first 6 Q's come from the first flick.  The 7th Q is an opinionated Q that you are going to answer after watching both flicks below.   We are going over the Q's in class...
1. What is the Electoral College?
2. Since 1964, how many votes have there been in the Electoral College?
3. How was it decided to have the number of votes in the Electoral College?
4. How many votes are needed to win the Electoral College?
5. What kind of states do candidates want to win? (not specific ones, but types)
6. Can a candidate win the popular vote and lose the Electoral College?
7. Watch the second flick below.  After watching both flicks, should the United States keep the Electoral College?  Explain your answer in detail.  Why should/shouldn't the Electoral College exist?

-After our discussion of political parties today, what political party do you think you would be most affiliated with?  Why is this?  Explain your answer in detail...Monday, October 26 - All Classes
-Presidential debate HW due Monday, October 26 - All Classes!
Day 3
In Class: History Channel's: It's Good to be the President! -- How is the president truly different from all other people in the nation?  
HW:  -Presidential debate HW due Monday, October 26 - All Classes!

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Week 9: Oct. 12-16, 2k20

Ms. Jordan’s Students: 
Ms. Jordan's Zoom - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Zooooom Info:
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:
Go over the Who's Who of the Election
-What are the issues?
-What issues are important to you?
HW: Clearly, there are many issues in the 2020 election. Explain in paragraph format: What are the three most important issues to you? Why are these issues important to you? Do these issues directly affect you or your family? If so, how? Explain your answer in complete sentences...Due Friday: ALL Classes QUIZ Grade in 5 point increments based on details of explanation and grammar.  MLA format!

Day 2
In Class:  
-What are the issues?
-How have the debates been so far?
-Republicans vs. Democrats -- What are the differences and what do your parents think a Democrat/Republican is?  
HW:  Clearly, there are many issues in the 2020 election. Explain in paragraph format: What are the three most important issues to you? Why are these issues important to you? Do these issues directly affect you? If so, how? Explain your answer in complete sentences...Due Friday: ALL Classes

Day 3
In Class:  
-Differences between Democrats and Republicans
-What are your parents' views about Democrats and Republicans
-Basic overview handout/notes on Dems vs. Reps.
HW:  Watch the following flick on "How to impeach the POTUS" and answer the Q: Why would the president be impeached and how does a president get impeached?

Friday, October 2, 2020

Week 8: Oct. 5-9, 2k20

Ms. Jordan’s Students:
Ms. Jordan's Zoom - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students: Social Studies with Mr. B!
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Articles of Confederation Flicks 
The Articles of Confederation were the first government of the United States written in 1777

Day 1
-What were the Articles of Confederation?
-How were they a good central/federal government?
-How were they a horrible central/federal government?
-What were the Virginia and New Jersey plans at the Constitutional convention?
-What was the compromise between the two plans?
-Let's begin reading Article II of the Constitution which explains the details of the Executive Branch
--Qualifications to be POTUS
HW:  Write out what you think should be the qualifications to be the President of the United States.  Explain your details.  Due by Day 2

Day 2
In Class:  Continue reading Article II of the Constitution
-Powers of the POTUS

-How is a president impeached?
HW:  Vice Presidential debate HW assignment -- Click Me!  Due Oct. 12 by 8 am ALL classes!

Day 3
In Class: Go over the Who's Who of the Election
-What are the issues?
-What issues are important to you?
-How do the issues determine what political party you affiliate yourself with?
HW:  Vice Presidential debate HW assignment -- Click Me!  Due Oct. 12 by 8 am ALL classes!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Week 7: Sept. 28 -Oct 2, 2k20

Ms. Jordan’s Students: 
Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students: Social Studies with Mr. B!
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Monday, Sept. 28 - No School - Yom Kippur
Tuesday, Sept. 29 - 10 AM Late Start - Yom Kippur

Day 1
In Class:  Election Unit 2k20 - Election Unit Doc I -  Going over types of government in Guided Notes
-Representative Democracy
-Direct Democracy
-What type of government works best? Why?
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Pages 2-3 of the Guided Notes on government! -- Who are these Thomas Hobbes and John Locke guys and what were their ideas?
-Natural Rights
-State of Nature
-Social Contract
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  The foundations of American government -- Articles of Confederation - Introduction to the US Constitution's Article II which creates the Executive Branch
HW:  Democrat or Republican? Answer the following Google Form Q's with your parents this weekend.  It should only take you ten minutes.  Enjoy! 

Articles of Confederation Flick

Articles of Confederation and GEORGIA flick!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Week 6: Sept. 21-25, 2k20

Ms. Jordan’s Students: Ms. Jordan's Zoom - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students: Social Studies with Mr. B!
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:
Continue with Geography Unit
-Emigration or Immigration? -- (Click Me!) Chapter reading and answering the Q's in the Guided Notes then going over them in class
-Oil: The resource of all resources these days.  Read the chapter and answer the questions in your guided notes then going over them in class

Day 2
In Class:  Finish any discussion about Oil and dive into our next BIG unit:  Election 2k20 Doc -- Guided Notes
-What is government?
-Can people live without a government?
-What is the best form of government?
-Why does government exist?
-What role does government play in society?
-Can a government become too big or fail its people?
-How does a government do its best for all citizens?

Day 3
-What are the different types of government?
-Basic vocab:  autocracy, monarchy, theocracy, democracy, representative democracy, direct democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy, junta, anarchy, state of nature, social contract, tabula rasa, natural rights...

Friday, September 11, 2020

Week 5 - Sept. 14-18, 2k20

Ms. Jordan’s Students: Ms. Jordan's Zoom - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students : Social Studies with Mr. B!
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:  
Continue with Geography Unit and fill out the Guided Notes packet as we go!  This Guided Notes packet is a HW grade due at the end of the unit.
-Consumption -- Food consumption
-GDP -- What is Gross Domestic Product?
-How would a nation have a larger GDP than other nations?
-Food consumption
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  
Continue with Geography Unit and fill out the Guided Notes packet as we go!  This Guided Notes packet is a HW grade due at the end of the unit.
-Food and Energy Consumption in the world!
-Farming!  Yay!  Farming!

HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class: Farming continued...Food Maps that Explain America -- Possible the Water Cycle!
HW:  None! 

Friday, September 4, 2020

Week 4 - Sept. 7-11, 2k20

Zoom Information

Ms. Jordan’s Students: Ms. Jordan's Zoom - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students : Social Studies with Mr. B! 
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class: 
Continue with Geography Unit and fill out the Guided Notes packet as we go!  This Guided Notes packet is a HW grade due at the end of the unit.
-Why do people live where they live?
-Why are cities where they are?
-Why is public transit in the United States so rotten compared to the rest of the world!?
Why people live where they live flick
Why are cities where they are flick
Why is public transit in the US so rotten flick

Day 2
In Class:  Continue with Geography Unit and fill out the Guided Notes packet as we go!  This Guided Notes packet is a HW grade due at the end of the unit.

-Economic Activity
HW:  Explain the effects of gentrification.  Do you believe gentrification has more benefits for an area/people or does more harm to the area/people?  Use specific examples from our discussion in your answer.  Do not write in First Person.  MLA Format, typed, 12 Font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, one-inch margins.  The minimum amount is one paragraph.  HW Grade Assignment is out of 100 pts graded in 5 point increments due by Friday at the end of the day. 

Day 3
In Class:  Continue with Geography Unit and fill out the Guided Notes packet as we go!  This Guided Notes packet is a HW grade due at the end of the unit.
-Consumption - Food and Energy
HW:  None!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Week 3 - Sept. 1-4, 2k20

Zoom Information
Ms. Jordan’s Students:
Ms. Jordan's Zoom - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students : Social Studies with Mr. B! 
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

MLA format -- 12 Font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins, double-spaced -- NO first person, must be written in the third person (do not write I, me, us, our, we, etc.) Choose TWO Q’s. Each essay Q is worth 25 points.  

1. Explain whether you think the Black Lives Matter Movement is more or less similar to the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Based on the reading and our discussions, do you think the Black Lives Matter Movement has been a successful movement? Success is measured in the eyes of the beholder on this one...Use examples from both movements to prove your stance.

2. Should the monuments of Confederate soldiers, former presidents, and other historical figures be removed from their current locations? Explain why/why not. What should the nation do with these monuments/statues? Explain your answer in detail using examples from the videos and text. 

3. Is “defunding the police” a logical solution to what people believe is a problem of police brutality/violence. Provide examples of how defunding the police can solve the problem(s) or create more problem(s). How else could the police brutality/violence issue(s) be solved? Explain your answer in detail using examples from the videos and text.

 Videos We Have Watched In Class
Confederate Monuments Flick

Charlottesville/Confederate Monument Flick

Defund the Police Flick

Black Lives Matter Flick

Day 1
In Class:  Finish any discussion with regards to the monuments, statues, etc. -- Assign the essay -- Class time to work on the essay  -- Keys to Writing History Doc -- We will go over this doc before you write the paper.
HW:  Essays are due Sept. 8-- ALL CLASSES -- Mr. Barry's Class = Hard Copy Only!

Day 2
In Class: Welcome to Geography! -- What is geography?  Why is geography important?  -- Geography Guided Notes will be a HW Grade due at the end of the unit.  Graded on completion and accuracy

HW:  Essays are due Sept. 8-- ALL CLASSES -- Mr. Barry's Class = Hard Copy Only!

Day 3
In Class: Welcome to Geography! -- What is geography?  Why is geography important?   -- Geography Guided Notes will be a HW Grade due at the end of the unit.  Graded on completion and accuracy

HW:  Essays are due Sept. 8 -- ALL CLASSES -- Mr. Barry's Class = Hard Copy Only!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Week #2 - August 24-28, 2k20

Hey #Davis7!  Welcome to Week #2!

Zoom Information

Ms. Jordan’s Students: Ms. Jordan's Zoom - Click Me!

Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students : Social Studies with Mr. B!
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:  What a Year 2k20 Has Been!  -- Watching the flick below about the #BlackLivesMatter Movement and reading about the history of the movement.  Working on that Super Duper T-Chart!

George Floyd Killing Response

Rayshard Brooks Video

Day 2 
In Class:  What a Year 2k20 Has Been!  -- What does "Defund the Police" really mean and what's going on with the Confederate Statues?

Mr. B's Podcast Summarizing the Defund the Police Movement

Charlottesville Riots -- What's the deal with the Confederate Statues? 

Day 3
In Class:  What a Year 2k20 Has Been!  -- Confederate Statues Summary and begin working on the essays.  The Essays are Due by the end of the day Thursday, Sept. 3 for ALL classes

MLA format -- 12 Font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins, double-spaced -- Minimum two pages typed -- NO first person, must be written in the third person (do not write I, me, us, our, we, etc.) Choose TWO Q’s. Each essay Q is worth 25 points.  

1. Explain whether you think the Black Lives Matter Movement is more or less similar to the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Based on the reading and our discussions, do you think the Black Lives Matter Movement has been a successful movement? Success is measured in the eyes of the beholder on this one...Use examples from both movements to prove your stance.

2. Should the monuments of Confederate soldiers, former presidents, and other historical figures be removed from their current locations? Explain why/why not. What should the nation do with these monuments/statues? Explain your answer in detail using examples from the videos and text.

3. Is “defunding the police” a logical solution to what people believe is a problem of police brutality/violence. Provide examples of how defunding the police can solve the problem(s) or create more problem(s). How else could the police brutality/violence issue(s) be solved? Explain your answer in detail using examples from the videos and text.