John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, August 21, 2020

Week #2 - August 24-28, 2k20

Hey #Davis7!  Welcome to Week #2!

Zoom Information

Ms. Jordan’s Students: Ms. Jordan's Zoom - Click Me!

Meeting ID: 880 938 770

Mr. Barry's Students : Social Studies with Mr. B!
Link: Zoom Link - Click Me!
Meeting ID: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:  What a Year 2k20 Has Been!  -- Watching the flick below about the #BlackLivesMatter Movement and reading about the history of the movement.  Working on that Super Duper T-Chart!

George Floyd Killing Response

Rayshard Brooks Video

Day 2 
In Class:  What a Year 2k20 Has Been!  -- What does "Defund the Police" really mean and what's going on with the Confederate Statues?

Mr. B's Podcast Summarizing the Defund the Police Movement

Charlottesville Riots -- What's the deal with the Confederate Statues? 

Day 3
In Class:  What a Year 2k20 Has Been!  -- Confederate Statues Summary and begin working on the essays.  The Essays are Due by the end of the day Thursday, Sept. 3 for ALL classes

MLA format -- 12 Font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins, double-spaced -- Minimum two pages typed -- NO first person, must be written in the third person (do not write I, me, us, our, we, etc.) Choose TWO Q’s. Each essay Q is worth 25 points.  

1. Explain whether you think the Black Lives Matter Movement is more or less similar to the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Based on the reading and our discussions, do you think the Black Lives Matter Movement has been a successful movement? Success is measured in the eyes of the beholder on this one...Use examples from both movements to prove your stance.

2. Should the monuments of Confederate soldiers, former presidents, and other historical figures be removed from their current locations? Explain why/why not. What should the nation do with these monuments/statues? Explain your answer in detail using examples from the videos and text.

3. Is “defunding the police” a logical solution to what people believe is a problem of police brutality/violence. Provide examples of how defunding the police can solve the problem(s) or create more problem(s). How else could the police brutality/violence issue(s) be solved? Explain your answer in detail using examples from the videos and text.