John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, May 5, 2023

Transboundary Pollution & Climate Change Unit!


Here is our LAST unit of the school year! Wow! We are learning about Transboundary Pollution & Climate Change! This is a neat unit, because it is incredibly relevant today.  Mr. Barry is in Israel, and so his classes may approach the unit in a different manner.  Mr. Barry needed to post his instructions to his classes, so what you see below are his instructions.  Ms. Jordan will do as she so well pleases because she rocks and can do it all! :)

For Mr. Barry's classes...

Please read the Transboundary Pollution & Climate Change Unit Doc (above). WATCH THE VIDEOS IN THE DOC! They are a BIG help and they answer some of the Q's!

I would like these answers typed and printed when finished. These Q's are due MAY 19 when you get to class!

You may not work with anyone. You must work alone! I am not kidding! The questions are as follows:

  1. What do you know about “climate change?”  – This is opinionated

  2. Create a 7th grade definition of “pollution” based on the actual definition.

  3. What happened at Chernobyl (Ukraine) on April 23, 1986 & how powerful was this accident?

  4. What caused the accident at Chernobyl?

  5. List four results of the accident.

  6. After looking at the map with the pink radiation details, do you think the Soviet Union owed the public the honest truth and do you think the Soviet Union owed these nations some sort of compensation?

  7. What was a “liquidator”, and what do you think they thought when tasked with their job at Chernobyl?

  8. After watching the flick about “The Liquidators”, provide four things they needed to do.  Do you think the Soviet government should have forced these men to do these jobs?  What do you think were their (liquidators) biggest concerns/worries?

  9. Approximately how much of Georgia’s energy comes from natural gas, nuclear & coal?

  10. Provide three effects of air pollution after watching the flick about “Air pollution.”

  11. Approximately how many premature deaths happen each year because of air pollution?  Do you think this is a high number?  Where do you think most of these deaths happen in the world?

  12.  According to the chart of the worst cities for air pollution, which state has it the worst?  Are you surprised by this?  Explain why you feel this way. Which state in the United States do you think is the least affected by air pollution? Why do you feel this way?

  13. What uses nearly 20% of the United States’ total energy consumption?  Does this surprise you? Why/why not?

  14.  Define “climate change” after reading the paragraphs and watching the flick.

  15.  Based on the CBS Climate Change flick, what are two things we should “expect” as the result of climate change?

  16. What are four things that are the result of climate change?  Do you think these effects are more long term issues or short term issues?

  17. Why is deforestation creating a huge problem for the world?

  18.  Has the United States ever experienced a nuclear meltdown?   If so, where was it and what happened?

  19.  Zoom in on the infographic on page 22 – provide five objects created from oil.  Do you use a lot of these objects/items every day?

  20.  Economically, what are three benefits of the oil industry according to page 24.  Do you think the oil/gas industry needs to focus less on digging for oil and more focused on finding solutions for green/renewable energy?  Why do you think this?

  21. Provide two pros and two cons of creating battery-powered vehicles/EV’s.  Explain why you would want an EV and explain why you would not want an EV.

  22. Provide 3 economic benefits of oil & gas for the United States.  Were you surprised by any of these details?

  23. Which state provides the most jobs in the oil and gas industry?

  24. Provide three things you learned about plastic pollution after watching the “Plastic Pollution” flick.  List 10 things you use everyday that use plastic…Yes, you use 10 things.  Yes, I’m serious.

  25. What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch & what three nations are the highest plastic waste polluters?  How do you think we can get rid of this massive garbage patch?  

  26. How did the COVID pandemic affect the climate/environment?  Provide two examples.

  27. Provide three examples of how you think we can help with pollution & climate change. I want this to be a detailed answer. Don't just put "Recycle." Explain what that means and how you think we can make it more effective!

When finished with the Q's, you have a project! The details are at the end of the Transboundary Pollution & Climate Change Doc.

Use rulers, colored pencils, and the paper placed on the mini-desk next to Mr. Barry' real desk. Make sure your name is on the back :)

The project is due May 24 by the end of the class -- No exceptions!

If for some reason you finish all of this...I'm not only impressed, but you can work on the Final Exam study guide. The Q's are to be written in your notebooks, no you do not need to write in complete sentences, and no, you do not need to write the Q's....

Final Exam study guide Q's due -- May 31

Final Exam on -- May 31