John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, March 20, 2020

Week 2 of Digital Learning

Hey #Davis7, welcome to Week 2!  Some of the items below are from last week for those who have yet to get started on the work.  Scroll down until you see the "new" information to you!

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via e-mail.  We are also setting up Zoom office hours where you can see us face to face.  This is new to us, so we appreciate your patience in our learning this tool.

Ms. Jordan's Zoom Hours and Links:
March 24 - 11:15-11:45 - Click Me!
March 26 - 11:15-11:45 - Click Me!

Mr. Barry's Zoom Hours and Links:
Click to Watch: March 20 - 10:30 - 11:00

Week 1 Lessons:
Please watch the following flick below about Globalization and then read through the Globalization Chapter PDF

Answer the following Q's based on the flick and the Globalization Chapter PDF and please e-mail these answers to your social studies teacher.  Please use MLA format heading on the document and you do not need to write in complete sentences.

  1. (Opinionated Q) What do you think goes into making a shoe?  Yes. I asked you that. What does it take to make a shoe? Take off your shoe, look at it, and think about the materials your shoe is made of.  What is needed to make a shoe???
  2. (Opinionated Q) Do you think it is possible for a shoe to be 100% fully manufactured in the United States?
  3. (Opinionated Q) Why do you think Americans buy shoes made in other countries?
  4. Define globalization.
  5. Why are so many American companies outsourcing (making their products) in Asia?
  6. Define the following terms in your own words after reading them from the text:  Economic interdependence, free trade, multinational corporation
  7. What happened to "Made in the USA", meaning why are shoes no longer made in the USA?
  8. List three pros and cons of globalization based off of the reading and the flick.  
  9. Ask one of your parents the following Q and provide their answer:  Do you believe globalization has more positive or negative effects on us as Americans?
Please have these Q's e-mailed to your social studies teacher by Friday, March 27 by 4:00 pm.

Ms. Jordan and Mr. Barry will upload Week 2's information on Monday, March 30...Be Good!

Ms Jordan E-mail for Assignments:
Mr. Barry Email for Assignments:

Enjoy this flick about the Life Cycle of a T-Shirt!  This is simply for entertainment based off of the Google Form that asked you how many T-Shirts you own!  

Week 2 Lessons!

Assignment #1 Please read the following article from Scholastic on Globalization and answer the Q's below:  Globalization Scholastic Article!
  1. Is it "important" where people live according to the article?  Why/why do you think? (opinionated response)
  2. According to the article, when did globalization become popular?
  3. What is "offshoring"?
  4. The article says "countries hurt by globalization should be helped by other nations", do you agree that the countries that benefit from globalization should help those hurt or negatively affected?  Explain your answer

Assignment #2 Please read the following article about Starbucks and Globalization!  Answer the following Q in an short essay/paragraph response.  Provide as much detail as possible your answer based off of the reading:

After reading about the globalization of Starbucks, what are some pros and cons of Starbucks’ efforts to become a global company? Do you think Starbucks produces more good than bad as a global company?

Assignments 1 and 2 are due by Monday, March 30 at Noon