John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Christianity Unit

We've entered our last of the three world religions in our World Religions Unit: Christianity


Though you are answering most of the Q's below in text format, Ms. Jordan and Mr. Barry would like a minimum of eight drawings on your mind map about Christianity that demonstrate your understanding of the Q's below.  These eight drawings can be answers to the Q's below or of something related to what you learned in the doc/unit about Christianity.

Christianity Mind Map Project - Quiz Grade

  1. Which nation has the largest number of Christians?  Approximately how many Christians are there in the world?
  2. List the four main sects of Christianity according to the colored chart above.
  3. Where was Christianity founded?
  4. What are the 3 nations with the largest Christian population? (above map)
  5. Who are the 4 Gospels & based on each “bubble” for a Gospel.  What does each Gospel explain?
  6. Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper is arguably the most iconic & famous painting of Jesus’ last meal.  What is The Last Supper supposed to be and what is the message in the painting?
  7. Who is John the Baptist?
  8. Briefly explain who Mary was.
  9. What is the immaculate conception?
  10. List four important teachings of Jesus Christ?
  11. What is the parable of the Good Samaritan? What is the message in this story?
  12. Did Jesus try to create a new religion?
  13. Why did the Romans fear Jesus?
  14. A schism is a division among something.  What two churches did the Great Schism create in 1054?
  15. What type of Christianity did Martin Luther create?  Why did Luther have these ideas?
  16. What is a sacrament?
  17. What is baptism?
  18. What is Holy Communion? 
  19. What is the Holy Trinity?
  20. Why is Sunday considered the day of church services?
  21. Do Christians believe in eternal life?
  22. What is Easter?
  23. What is Good Friday?
  24. How are Judaism & Christianity similar in their beliefs?
  25. Provide three other things you learned about Christianity in this unit!