- Which nation has the largest number of Christians? Approximately how many Christians are there in the world?
- List the four main sects of Christianity according to the colored chart above.
- Where was Christianity founded?
- What are the 3 nations with the largest Christian population? (above map)
- Who are the 4 Gospels & based on each “bubble” for a Gospel. What does each Gospel explain?
- Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper is arguably the most iconic & famous painting of Jesus’ last meal. What is The Last Supper supposed to be and what is the message in the painting?
- Who is John the Baptist?
- Briefly explain who Mary was.
- What is the immaculate conception?
- List four important teachings of Jesus Christ?
- What is the parable of the Good Samaritan? What is the message in this story?
- Did Jesus try to create a new religion?
- Why did the Romans fear Jesus?
- A schism is a division among something. What two churches did the Great Schism create in 1054?
- What type of Christianity did Martin Luther create? Why did Luther have these ideas?
- What is a sacrament?
- What is baptism?
- What is Holy Communion?
- What is the Holy Trinity?
- Why is Sunday considered the day of church services?
- Do Christians believe in eternal life?
- What is Easter?
- What is Good Friday?
- How are Judaism & Christianity similar in their beliefs?
- Provide three other things you learned about Christianity in this unit!
John Adams
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Christianity Unit
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Week of Nov. 18-22, 2k24
- You must use every word listed here in bold and one of these words must be in each letter of the acrostic poem.. All of these words are in the document: Dharma, karma, Sanskrit, Brahman(ism), deity, caste system, Vedas, pilgrimage, samsara, cow, atman, water, Holi, aum
- Provide one drawing per letter in the acrostic poem. They must be related to one of the key words listed in the poem. Ensure that it relates to the letter of the poem. Must be a color picture or there must be color in the picture! Hindus LOVE LOVE LOVE COLOR!
- Color Color Color! Hindus believe very deeply that color is important to culture and life. Use color! Look at the images we’ve examined over this unit and attempt to match the patterns if you can. Use different colors for each letter/sentence. Write that sentence in the color you use for the letter!
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Based on the reading of the text, please answer the following Q’s in your Journals.
This is a Quiz Grade based on accuracy. حظا سعيدا -- (hazana saedian - good luck)
حزمة وحدة الإسلام
What does Islam mean in Arabic and who are Muslims?
Where was Islam founded and who is the founder of Islam & what did he claim to be? What does his name mean in Arabic?
What is the name of the place where Abraham built his house of worship?
Geographically speaking, where is Mecca in relation to Israel? Use the map on the same page
What is the name of the holy scripture/book of Islam?
Did the people who began following Muhammad believe he was the founder of Islam or a prophet like those before him?
What does Allah mean? Did Muhammad believe that Allah was the same God as that of Abraham and Jesus?
What does the word “Muslim” mean? (it is an Arabic word)
Did Muhammad claim he was starting a new religion when he preached to the people in the Arab world?
According to Muhammad’s teachings, why did some Arabs reject his preaching?
Why do you think Muhammad and his forces destroyed the idols (statues of gods) when they marched to Mecca in 630 CE? (this answer is not in the text...make an inference)
What is a caliph?
According to the map on page 7 , what present-day nations were predominantly Muslim in the 600s CE?
Based on the readings on the four caliphs, why do you think there was such a divide over who should be the true leaders of Islam after Muhammad’s death? (this answer is not in the text...make an inference)
A schism means a split or divide between strongly opposing parties or sections. What two groups formed after the great schism? Which group is the larger of the two.
Which party of Muslims believe that only people directly related to Muhammad should be the caliph?
What is the first Pillar of Islam and what does it mean?
What is the second Pillar of Islam and what does it mean?
What is the third Pillar of Islam and what does it mean? What about the third Pillar of Islam is similar in Judaism?
What is the fourth Pillar of Islam and what does it mean? Provide a three sentence explanation of Ramadan including what Muslims are and are not allowed to do.
What is the fifth Pillar of Islam and what does it mean? Where do Muslims go during the Hajj?
Explain what jihad means, but put the definition into your own words.
What is Shariah and provide three examples of Shariah.
What are three things allowed and three things frowned upon during the month of Ramadan?
Is Islam the largest religion in the world?
Where do most Muslims live in the world today?
What are four things Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have in common?
What is sunnah & provide three examples of Sunnah according to the images and text in the packet.
What is the Hadith?
After looking at the T-chart of Judaism and Islam, would you say they are a very similar religion/faith? Explain your answer.
Watch the following TedED flick & provide three interesting things you learned about Islam not already mentioned in the Unit Doc.
Watch the following TedED flick & provide three examples of how Islamic geometry is…EVERYWHERE!