John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, September 27, 2024

Week of Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2k24

A short week....But a GOOD ONE!

Answer the following Q’s in a two paragraph explanation.  Test Grade based on accuracy and grammar/mechanics.  5 point increments!

***Do not write in the first person!  Do not use contractions!  Write in the past tense!

Paragraph 1:

  • Define plague somewhere in the paragraph

  • When did the Black Plague first appear in Europe?

  • How did one first get the disease?

  • What were the symptoms of the disease?

  • How long did you have to live once infected?

  • Who did the people of Europe turn to when people wondered about the plague?  Were they able to provide answers?

Paragraph 2:

  • How did the people get rid of the dead bodies?

  • What did some plague doctors do to "cure" the disease and how did they dress?

  • How is the Black Death both similar and different to the Coronavirus?

  • Conclude the second paragraph answering: What were a minimum of three effects of the Black Plague & how many people died?

Welcome to the Renaissance!