John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, September 27, 2024

Week of Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2k24

A short week....But a GOOD ONE!

Answer the following Q’s in a two paragraph explanation.  Test Grade based on accuracy and grammar/mechanics.  5 point increments!

***Do not write in the first person!  Do not use contractions!  Write in the past tense!

Paragraph 1:

  • Define plague somewhere in the paragraph

  • When did the Black Plague first appear in Europe?

  • How did one first get the disease?

  • What were the symptoms of the disease?

  • How long did you have to live once infected?

  • Who did the people of Europe turn to when people wondered about the plague?  Were they able to provide answers?

Paragraph 2:

  • How did the people get rid of the dead bodies?

  • What did some plague doctors do to "cure" the disease and how did they dress?

  • How is the Black Death both similar and different to the Coronavirus?

  • Conclude the second paragraph answering: What were a minimum of three effects of the Black Plague & how many people died?

Welcome to the Renaissance!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Week of Sept. 23-27, 2k24

Finishing the Middle Ages! Yay! No more feudalism!

Answer the remaining Q's:
  1. Why was artwork in the Middle Ages just awful? What was the message or purpose in nearly all artwork in the Middle Ages?
  2. What was the purpose of the illuminated manuscript?
  3. How did a teenage girl save Feudal France? :)
  4. What are some similarities between Medieval Europe & Medieval Japan?
  5. What led to the fall of feudal life in Japan?
Coat of Arms Project! -- Due Sept. 27

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week of Sept. 16-20, 2k24

We're still Middle Aged...

William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, 1066

How the Normans Changed Europe...

Quiz on Day 2 (Tues/Wed) on the Q's below:
  1. Why did Europe fall to feudalism after the fall of the Roman Empire? What formed in Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire?
  2. Using the image on page 3 of the doc, create a hierarchy chart in your notes. Who were the different members of the social hierarchy in Europe?
  3. Define feudalism.
  4. What is a big difference between the two maps of Europe at the top of page 4 in the doc?
  5. Who was Charlemagne, where was he from & what were his biggest contributions to his kingdom? Do you think life was good in his kingdom for the average person? What do you think was his most important contribution/legacy?
  6. What did the three invading groups do to Europe at the beginning of the Middle Ages? How do you think this affected the former Roman Empire?
  7. Who was William the Conqueror? What present-day nation was he from? What were his contributions to present-day England? What do you think was his most important contribution/legacy?
  8. What was life like on a manor and in a castle? Do you think life was more comfortable or better on a manor or in a castle? Why?
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Continue with the Middle Ages Q's
  1. What was life like on a manor and in a castle? Do you think life was more comfortable or better on a manor or in a castle? Why?
  2. What was life like for a knight? What was their sole purpose for a kingdom?
  3. What was life like for a 7th grader?...I mean a serf. Do you think their role in society was important? Why/why not? Why were so many people in Europe serfs?
  4. Where does the word Catholic come from? Explain what the Church provided the people of Europe during the Middle Ages?
  5. What are the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church? Do some of these seem similar to practices in Judaism? Which ones?
  6. What was the purpose of the Crusades & after reading about the Crusades. Who were the winners & losers? What do you think was the biggest effect of the Crusades after reading & reading the content on page 24 of the doc?
  7. Why was artwork in the Middle Ages just awful? What was the message or purpose in nearly all artwork in the Middle Ages?
  8. What was the purpose of the illuminated manuscript?
  9. How did a teenage girl save Feudal France? :)
  10. What are some similarities between Medieval Europe & Medieval Japan?
  11. What led to the fall of feudal life in Japan?