World Religions Units Continue!
Project Due by the end of Day 2!
Mind Map Due Monday, Nov. 13 -- Quiz Grade
- Who is the founder?
- According to the cool color-coded map, what are four different sects of Christianity in the United States?
- How much of the world is Christian? (percentage & population)
- What are the 3 nations with the largest Christian population?
- Where was Christianity founded?
- Who are the 4 Gospels & based on each “bubble” for a Gospel, what are four (one from each Gospel) of their beliefs.
- What were the two most important teachings of Jesus Christ?
- What is the parable of the Good Samaritan? What is the message in this story?
- Did Jesus try to create a new religion?
- Why did the Romans fear Jesus?
- A schism is a division among something. What two churches did the Great Schism create in 1054?
- What type of Christianity did Martin Luther create? Why did Luther have these ideas?
- What is a sacrament?
- What is baptism?
- What is Holy Communion?
- What is the Holy Trinity?
- Why is Sunday considered the day of church services?
- Do Christians believe in eternal life?
- What is Easter?
- What is Good Friday?
- How are Judaism & Christianity similar in their beliefs?
- Provide three other things you learned about Christianity in this unit!