John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Week 15: Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2k23

Welcome Back! December already!

Create a T-Chart of Pros & Cons of the Age of Exploration in your notebooks - HW Due Dec. 1

This T-Chart will be used as an outline for your Age of Exploration Writing Assignment - Due Dec. 4.

Age of Xploration Writing Assignment!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Week 14: Nov. 13-17, 2k23

We can make it to Thanksgiving! 
 Let's go all in this week! :)
World Religions Study Guide Q's
  1. Know the Five Pillars of Islam
  2. Who is the founder of Islam?
  3. What is a mosque?
  4. What are two examples of Sunnah?
  5. What is the Kabah?  Where is it located?
  6. What is Karma?
  7. Who are the Brahma(n)?
  8. Know the caste system
  9. What is atman?
  10. What is samsara?
  11. Why is the cow the holy animal of Hinduism?
  12. What are the Seven Sacraments of Christianity?
  13. Who was Jesus Christ?
  14. What is the story of the Good Samaratin?
  15. Who were the Gospels & what did they preach? (specific!)
  16. What is Protestantism?
  17. Know FIVE ways Judaism, Islam & Christianity are similar or have similarities!
Day 1 - Review for World Religions test
Day 2 - World Religions test
Day 3 - Age of Exploration Unit begins!
Day 4 - Age of Exploration Unit!
Age of Xploration Unit Doc!

Age of Xploration Writing Assignment!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Week 13: Nov. 6-10, 2k23

World Religions Units Continue!


Project Due by the end of Day 2!

We are beginning our third and final religion of the World Religions Unit -- Christianity!  Before you are a series of questions that you'll answer on a "Mind Map" assignment.

Mind Map Due Monday, Nov. 13 -- Quiz Grade
  1. Who is the founder?
  2. According to the cool color-coded map, what are four different sects of Christianity in the United States?
  3. How much of the world is Christian? (percentage & population)
  4. What are the 3 nations with the largest Christian population?
  5. Where was Christianity founded?
  6. Who are the 4 Gospels & based on each “bubble” for a Gospel, what are four (one from each Gospel)  of their beliefs. 
  7. What were the two most important teachings of Jesus Christ?
  8. What is the parable of the Good Samaritan?  What is the message in this story?
  9. Did Jesus try to create a new religion?
  10. Why did the Romans fear Jesus?
  11. A schism is a division among something.  What two churches did the Great Schism create in 1054?
  12. What type of Christianity did Martin Luther create?  Why did Luther have these ideas?
  13. What is a sacrament?
  14. What is baptism?
  15. What is Holy Communion? 
  16. What is the Holy Trinity?
  17. Why is Sunday considered the day of church services?
  18. Do Christians believe in eternal life?
  19. What is Easter?
  20. What is Good Friday?
  21. How are Judaism & Christianity similar in their beliefs?
  22. Provide three other things you learned about Christianity in this unit!