In Class: Finish any gentrification discussion...
- Economic activity and CHOCOLATE! Yum!
- Consumption...It' out of control!
- Poorest nations in the world and why...
Day 2
In Class:
In Class:
- What is GDP?
- Food and energy consumption
- What is the most devastating weapon in history?...This question always makes people think!
- Farming...not natural! How and why is this the case?
- The origins of food! Interesting to know where exactly our food comes from
Day 3
In Class:
In Class:
- What is the big deal about water and water scarcity?
- Do you think we are running out of fresh water?
- How can we ensure that there is more freshwater available?
Day 4
In Class: Immigration or Emigration?
In Class: Immigration or Emigration?
HW: Answer the following Q's in your journal for a HW grade -- Due Monday!
What are the effects of immigration?
What are the effects of emigration?
What do immigrants bring to their new countries
What do you think is the most common push and pull factor for immigrants? Explain your answer in as much detail as possible.