Welcome to #Davis7! This is the 7th grade social studies webpage. This is where you will find all documents, due dates, and everything else 7th grade social studies! Mr. Barry is the author of the class website; however, Ms. Jordan and Mr. Barry are both on the same page with our lessons, assignments, and assessments.
Email addresses: Mr. Barry - mbarry@davisacademy.org Ms. Jordan - jjordan@davisacademy.org
How to compose an email to us:
Mr. Barry/Ms. Jordan,
This is (student name) and I have a question/wanted to know/etc. Be sure your message is in complete sentences, and please use proper capitalization & grammar rules.
Thank you!
-Student name
Instagram/Twitter: @MrBarry628 & JdyJordan1 -- We post a lot of social studies stuff here, and if you'd like to follow and see what we post and what we do, have fun browsing!
Day 1
In Class: First day of class quiz! -- Class expectations &
Syllabus -- Journal explanation
HW: Please have the Technology & Expectations page of your syllabus signed by Friday --
Welcome to Geography!
Day 2
In Class: Continue with geography
- What is human geography?
- What is physical geography?
- What are some examples of problems a geographer would study or analyze today?
- How did population density affect Europe during this plague?
- How did population density impact the world during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
- Where do we live and why?
Day 3
In Class: Continue with geography
- What is urban & what is rural?
- Is Atlanta a good example of a city that suffered urban sprawl? Why/why not?
- What is urban fringe in Atlanta?
- Why are cities where they are and what do cities provide for humans?
- Gentrification!
HW: None!
Day 4
In Class: Quiz over Week 1 content -- Continue with Geography
- Gentrification of Atlanta
- Economic Activity and Consumption
HW: None -- Possible reading and HW Q