John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, November 22, 2019

Week 16: Dec. 2-6, 2k19

Welcome to December!

Day 1
In Class:  Welcome to our 3rd of the 4 major religions!  Hinduism!  Chapter reading from the Ancient Civilizations Textbook: Chapter 15 -- Answering the Q's for a HW grade.  These are due by the beginning of class on Day 2 this week.
Image result for Hinduism
Hinduism Intro Video

HW: If you did not finish the Q's from the chapter reading, they are HW due by Day 2.

Day 2
In Class:  Going over the Q's about Hinduism...
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  Finish going over the Q's about Hinduism...Introduce the Acrostic Poem Project  Poem due Monday, Dec. 9
HW:  Hinduism Acrostic Poem due Monday, Dec. 9

Day 4
In Class:   Acrostic Poem Project  Poem due Monday, Dec. 9
HW:  Hinduism Acrostic Poem due Monday, Dec. 9