John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Week 6: Sept. 17-21, 2k18

Welcome to the Middle Ages #Serfs4Life!

Our Central Q's for the Middle Ages:

  1. What is feudalism?
  2. Why did Europe resort to feudalism after the fall of the Roman Empire?
  3. Who were the different members of the social hierarchy in Europe?
  4. What was life like for each member of feudal society?
  5. What was life like on a manor?
  6. What did the barbarians do to change the social structure of Europe, which created feudalism?
  7. Who were Charlemagne and Constantine and what made them so darn great?
  8. What was the social hierarchy of feudal Europe?
  9. How does one become a knight and why were the knights so cool and important?
  10. What was the social hierarchy of the Catholic Church?
  11. What are the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church?
  12. What is a coat of arms and what do they stand for?
  13. How did events in Europe contribute to the decline of feudalism and rise of democratic thought?
  14. What was life like in a castle, a manor, or as an average person in the Middle Ages?

Day 1
In Class:  The Middle Ages of Europe! -- What were they?  What is feudalism, who were those barbarians?  What is a fief?  What is a manor?
HW: None!

Day 2
In Class:  The Middle Ages of Europe! -- What is a manor? What are the social classes of Europe?  Who are the Big 3: Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, and Joan of Arc.
HW: None!

Day 3
In Class:  The Church during the Middle Ages -- Social hierarchy of the church and the sacraments
HW: None!