John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Sunday, May 20, 2018

LAST REAL Week of School! Huzzah! May 21-25, 2k18

Ok....Here we go...


This is your last post of the year!  This week we're going to look at "Where your sneakers are made." and what goes into the global economy.  Your LAST test is on Tuesday, May 29 on the European Union and The Global Economy.

Day 1
In Class:   How Global is Your Sneaker?-- We transition from a UNITED Europe to a GLOBAL market of products...How Global is Your Sneaker HW
HW:  Fill our this Google Form about your sneakers:  Sneaker Google Form

Day 2
In Class:  Finish reading How Global is Your Sneaker? -- How Global is Your Sneaker HW --How is the sneaker the best way to look at a global economy and how else is the economy now global?
HW:  LAST TEST on Tuesday May 29!

Day 3
In Class:  Turn in "How Global is Your Sneaker HW" Continue the Global Sneaker -- How is the sneaker the best way to look at a global economy and how else is the economy now global?  Let's end the year with GLOBALIZATION!!!

HW:  LAST TEST on Tuesday May 29!