John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Week of Dec. 17-21, 2k18

Hey #Davis7 #Padawans #JediWannabes  We're in our last week before break!  We're finishing our Star Wars/Religion Unit this week!

Image result for the empire strikes back

This entire week we will continue to watch Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back!  While watching this flick, we are answering the following Q's:

  1. How does the film portray Luke and/or Darth Vader as a “Jesus-like figure”?

  1. The storm troopers (guys in white armor) who follow Darth Vader can be compared to what group of people who are also “followers”?  

  1. How are some Buddhist teachings/beliefs  illustrated in the film?

  1. What is “The Force” and how can it relate to Buddhism?

  1. Anatma: The self is always changing.  Buddhism assumes there is no permanent "self” and that a person is always changing.  How does Luke experience Anatma in the film?

  1. Siddhartha Buddha sat day and night for weeks on end in meditation. One night after meditation he felt a force awaken inside of him. From that day forward he was known as Buddha -- the Awakened One. Who is a character in the movie that experiences something similar to this and how does he become “awakened” like the Buddha?

  1. The Jedi live in a simple world where they “want” nothing like those of Buddhist monks.  They wear a simple robe, have a simple weapon - a lightsaber - and their only objective is to protect the galaxy from evil.  Who is a character in the film who best represents this kind of figure and how is this the case and what else makes him similar to a follower of Buddhism?

  1. Dukkha: Life is painful and causes suffering. As we know Siddhartha (the Buddha) wanted to end his suffering.  He tried to end his suffering through meditation.  The heart of the Buddha’s way is the teaching of the Four Noble Truths as we’ve already examined.  In order to achieve the fourth noble truth: the end of suffering, one must follow the Eightfold-Path.  What in the film is something similar to what was just explained above?

  1. Buddhists believe, much like Hindus, that our body is not permanent.  Buddhism asserts that everything is impermanent, but that the soul follows a cycle.  Samsara, meaning wandering or world, refers to a theory of rebirth and the cyclicality of all life, matter, existence.  What scene illustrates this belief?

***What other Christian/Buddhist/Hindu symbolism did you find in the film?***

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Week 17: Dec. 10-14, 2k18

Welcome to Week 17 #Untouchables!  We've concluded Hinduism and now move to Buddhism!

Day 1
In Class:  Continue our introduction to Buddhism
  1. What is Buddhism?
  2. Who was the founder of Buddhism?
  3. Where was Buddhism founded?
  4. How is Buddhism different than Hinduism?
  5. What are the three forms of suffering?
  6. How does one end their suffering?
  7. How did The Buddha find enlightenment?
  8. What is nirvana?
  9. What is the Eight-fold Path? 

HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Continue our introduction to Buddhism...

HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:   Introduce Star Wars and Buddhism!

Day 4
In Class:  Buddhism Quiz!  Continue Star Wars and Buddhism...
HW:  None!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Week 16: Dec. 2-7, 2k18

Happy Chanukah #Davis7!  We're working on our fourth major world religion this week -- Hinduism!

Day 1 
In Class:  Continue with our Hinduism chapter reading/answers...Below are some key Q's we need to understand!

  • Who is the founder?
  • How old is Hinduism?
  • What are some basic beliefs of Hinduism
  • What is a deity?
  • What is the caste system?
  • What is Brahmanism?
  • What is Dharma?
  • What is reincarnation?
  • What is Karma?
  • What is the Hindus' most sacred animal and why is this?
  • How do Hindus view the life cycle of humans and their soul?
  • Where is Hinduism most practiced and how many Hindus are there in the world?
  • What are some of the deities in Hinduism and what do they stand for?
  • What are some important symbols of Hinduism and what do they mean?
  • What are some sacred writings/texts of Hinduism?
  • How are Judaism and Hinduism similar?  Different?
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class: Basics of Hinduism and a tad of review...Introduce Acrostic Poem assignment -- Due by the end of Day 3.

HW:  Acrostic Poem due by Day 3

Day 3
In Class:  Work on Acrostic Poem due by end of period!
HW:  None!

Day 4
In Class:  Introduce Buddhism, the fourth major religion in our World Religions Unit!

Image result for buddhism

HW:  None!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Week 15: Nov. 26-30, 2k18

Hey #Serfs4Life!  Welcome back from Thanksgiving break and back to our World Religions Unit!

Day 1
In Class:  Continue/Finish our Christianity packets and discussion....

HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Christianity Quiz -- Introduce Hinduism --  Reading Hinduism Chapter and Google Packet

Hinduism and Buddhism Crash Course!

HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  Continue Hinduism --  Hinduism Chapter and Google Packet -- Go over the Hinduism Packet and discuss some major concepts of the history of Hinduism
HW:  None!

Day 4
In Class:  Go over the Hinduism Packet and discuss some major concepts of the history of Hinduism
HW:  None!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Week 14: Nov. 12-16, 2k18

Hey #Serfs4Life, welcome to the Christianity Unit, our second religion of the Big Four!
Image result for Christianity

Day 1
In Class:  Islam Test....Good luck!
HW:  None...Quiz on Christianity on Friday

Day 2
In Class:  Introduction to the history of Christianity -- Where was it founded? Who founded it? Basic facts of Christianity
HW:  None...Quiz on Christianity on Friday

Day 3
In Class:  Basics of Christianity
HW:  None...Quiz on Christianity on Friday

Day 4
In Class:  Christianity Quiz
HW:  None...

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Week 12 - Nov. 5-9, 2k18

Day 1
In Class:  Islam Chapter Annotation -- Answering the Big Q's of Islam through the Chapter reading and going over those Chapter Qs
HW:  Quiz on Day 2...

Day 2
In Class:  Islam Quiz! -- Islam Chapter Annotation -- Answering the Big Q's of Islam through the Chapter reading and going over those Chapter Qs

HW:  Test on Nov. 12...

Day 3
In Class:  Ensure that we've learned ALLLLLLLLL the following information for our test on  Nov. 12
  1. Who is the founder of Islam and where is he from?
  2. Be able to identify on a map where Islam was founded what what geographical features are in the area
  3. What were some of the issues concerning Muhammad as an adult?
  4. What does Muslim mean?
  5. Why do you think Muhammad’s teachings were met with rejection?
  6. Know what a caliph is and what their role was in Islam.
  7. Distinguish between the Shi’ites & Sunnis
  8. How many times a day do Muslims pray?
  9. Provide three things Islam & Judaism & Christianity all have in common.
  10. For Muslims, the Quran contains what important message(s)?
  11. What is the Sunnah? What makes it different than the Quran?
  12. What are the most basic acts of worship in Islam?
  13. Use the graphic organizer/picture doc to learn about the Five Pillars of Islam.  Provide as much detail as you can to understand each of the Five Pillars...
  14. What is the Ka’bah?  What color & shape is it?
  15. What does jihad mean & what does the Quran tell Muslims to do for Islam?
  16. What is the Shari’ah and what are some examples of Shari’ah?
HW:  Test on Nov. 12...

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week 12: Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 2k18

Hey #RenaissanceThinkers welcome to the World Religions unit!

Day 1
In Class:  Turn in Renaissance Dinner Party -- Introduce the World Religions Unit...
  1. What do you know about Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity?  
  2. What is religion? Why do we have religion? 
  3. What does religion do for mankind?  
  4. How does religion have both positive and negative effects on mankind?
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Introduce Islam Doc -- What is Islam?  When was it established?  Who is the leader/founder of Islam?  What are some the Islamic practices? Islamic Truths vs. Myths -- Islam Vocabulary

HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  Islam Annotation Reading -- Five Pillars and Annotating the chapter... You each have a copy of Chapter 7 from the text.  Your assignment is to annotate the chapter…While you read, you are highlighting keywords, circling important sentences/concepts, putting definitions into your own words, asking questions about concepts or statements you do not understand, and summarizing information as you read...

  1. Who is the founder of Islam and where is he from?
  2. Be able to identify on a map where Islam was founded what what geographical features are in the area
  3. What were some of the issues concerning Muhammad as an adult?
  4. What does Muslim mean?
  5. Why do you think Muhammad’s teachings were met with rejection?
  6. Know what a caliph is and what their role was in Islam.
  7. Distinguish between the Shi’ites & Sunnis
  8. How many times a day do Muslims pray?
  9. Provide three things Islam & Judaism & Christianity all have in common.
  10. For Muslims, the Quran contains what important message(s)?
  11. What is the Sunnah? What makes it different than the Quran?
  12. What are the most basic acts of worship in Islam?
  13. Use the graphic organizer/picture doc to learn about the Five Pillars of Islam.  Provide as much detail as you can to understand each of the Five Pillars...
  14. What is the Ka’bah?  What color & shape is it?
  15. What does jihad mean & what does the Quran tell Muslims to do for Islam?
  16. What is the Shari’ah and what are some examples of Shari’ah?
  17. HW:  Finish your annotation and 5 pillars of Islam for HW and be ready to discuss Friday

Day 4
In Class:  Islam Quiz -- Go over the annotated notes of the chapter and the Q's
HW: None

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 11: Oct. 22-26, 2k18

Hey #RenaissanceThinkers, I know, this is a big upgrade from #Serfs4Life!  We're entering the heart of the Renaissance with our Ninja Turtles and Dinner Party assignments...Enjoy!

Day 1
In Class:  Go over Raphael's School of Athens fresco -- Introduce the Ninja Turtles reading assignment -- Renaissance Dinner Party!
HW:  Dinner Party Assignment due Oct. 29!

Day 2
In Class: Renaissance Dinner Party Reading -- What figures were key to the Renaissance outside of Italy and who were they?
HW:  Dinner Party Assignment due Oct. 29!

Day 3
In Class:  Renaissance Dinner Party Reading -- What figures were key to the Renaissance outside of Italy and who were they?
HW:  Dinner Party Assignment due Oct. 29!

Day 4
In Class:  Renaissance Dinner Party Reading -- What figures were key to the Renaissance outside of Italy and who were they?
HW:  Dinner Party Assignment due Oct. 29!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Khan Academy Renaissance Video

THE School of Athens video from Khan Academy...

Handwritten -- How is Raphael's School of Athens fresco THE image of the Renaissance and how doe this fresco illustrate humanism, classicism, and philosophy?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Week 10: Oct. 15-19, 2k18

Hey #Serfs4Life, it's time to continue our study of the Renaissance!  

Image result for the renaissance
THE greatest piece of artwork from the Renaissance! (Mr. Barry is biased)
The School of Athens, Raphael

Day 1
In Class:  Renaissance Doc -- What was the Renaissance?  What did the Renaissance do to Europe?  Compare and Contrast life in the Middle Ages vs. Renaissance
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Renaissance Doc -- Humanism, philosophy, and the study of science during the Renaissance!
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  Chapter Reading -- The Italian Renaissance -- Why Italy???
1. Why do you think Florence, a “banking center” had an impact on the birth of the Renaissance?
2. Name three famous Renaissance thinkers (who are also Ninja Turtles) born in Florence.
3. Architects and engineers were particularly attracted to what types of architecture?
4. Briefly describe two Renaissance advances in paintings techniques?
5. How do you think painting perspective changes the way people look at artwork?
6. What is significant of Donatello’s David?   About Michelangelo’s David?
7.  What were two ways in which Renaissance literature differed from Medieval Literature?
8.  How did the study of science change during the Renaissance?  Do you think we see some of these ideas/practices in science today?
9.  You just read a little bit about Leonardo da Vinci but there’s SO much more to learn about him.  Read the passage from the chapter then click here to read the article about Leonardo da Vinci and then click here to watch a video about him.  What do YOU think was da Vinci’s two greatest accomplishment and what do you think was his greatest attribute? (don’t know what attribute is?...look it up!)
10.  How did the Medici family influence and rule in Renaissance Florence?
11.  What book did Machiavelli write and what was the book about?

HW:  None!

Day 4
In Class:  Go over the Italian Renaissance Q's from Day 3 -- Introduce the School of Athens!
Image result for the renaissance
HW:  None!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Week 9: Oct. 8-12, 2K18

Hey #Serfs4Life!  We've left the Middle Ages and now enter the Crusades and the Renaissance Era!

Day 1
In Class:  Finish Church Hierarchy in Medieval Europe...The Seven Sacraments...

Catholic Church Hierarchy
Image result for church hierarchy in medieval europe

The Seven Sacraments

Welcome to the Crusades -- What is a crusade?  What were the Crusades? Who fought in the Crusades?  What were the results? -- Enter the BLACK DEATH!!!
Image result for the crusades
HW: None!

Day 2
In Class:  The Black Death and Europe -- What was the Black Death?  What did it do to Europe?  Has something like this happened in recent history?  What impact does disease have on mankind?

HW: None!

Day 3
In Class:  Finish the Black Death -- Welcome to a Renaissance!
Image result for the renaissance

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week 8: Oct. 2-5, 2k18

Welcome to Week 8 #Serfs4Life...

Day 1
In Class:  Working on the Coat of Arms project -- Due Friday!
HW:  Coat of Arms project

Day 2
In Class:  Working on the Coat of Arms project -- Due Friday!
HW:  Coat of Arms project

Day 3
In Class:  Working on the Coat of Arms project -- Due Friday!
HW:  Coat of Arms project

Day 4
In Class:  Coat of Arms Project due -- Enter the Crusades!
HW:  None!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Week 7: Sept. 25-28, 2k18

Hey #Serfs4Life welcome back to the Middle Ages!

Day 1
In Class:  Finish our discussion of the Big 3 -- Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, and Joan of Arc -- Examine the feudal hierarchy of Monarchs, Lords and Ladies, Life on a Manor and so forth

What's It Like Being a Knight?

Life as a Knight!

HW:  None BUT...Short Quiz on Feudalism on Friday Sept 28

Day 2
In Class:  It's Knight Time! -- Coat of Arms project too!  Huzzah!
It’s “Knight Time” in class!  Let’s check out some “Knight Life”.  

Please read the handout regarding the knights and answer the following Q’s about knights in your notes...
  1. True/False - A cook was once knighted by William the Conqueror
  2. True/False - Knights fought in the Crusades for religious purposes
  3. At what age did squire-hood begin?
  4. At what age did knighthood begin?
  5. What was the training like for a knight?  Does this process seem similar in how employees work up the “food chain” in their companies through promotions? 
  6. What was a squire’s primary responsibility?
  7. What was a squire’s important job when it came to meals?
  8. Why did knights fast & bathe the day before knighthood? -- Seem a bit over the top? why/why not?
  9. What does the two-edged sword stand for?
  10. Approximately how much did a knight’s armor weigh?
  11. What was the code of conduct called that a knight was required to follow?

Coat of Arms Time

HW:   None BUT...Short Quiz on Feudalism on Friday Sept 28

Day 3
In Class: Short Feudalism Quiz and the Coat of Arms project YAY!!

Image result for barry coat of arms
HW:  None

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Week 6: Sept. 17-21, 2k18

Welcome to the Middle Ages #Serfs4Life!

Our Central Q's for the Middle Ages:

  1. What is feudalism?
  2. Why did Europe resort to feudalism after the fall of the Roman Empire?
  3. Who were the different members of the social hierarchy in Europe?
  4. What was life like for each member of feudal society?
  5. What was life like on a manor?
  6. What did the barbarians do to change the social structure of Europe, which created feudalism?
  7. Who were Charlemagne and Constantine and what made them so darn great?
  8. What was the social hierarchy of feudal Europe?
  9. How does one become a knight and why were the knights so cool and important?
  10. What was the social hierarchy of the Catholic Church?
  11. What are the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church?
  12. What is a coat of arms and what do they stand for?
  13. How did events in Europe contribute to the decline of feudalism and rise of democratic thought?
  14. What was life like in a castle, a manor, or as an average person in the Middle Ages?

Day 1
In Class:  The Middle Ages of Europe! -- What were they?  What is feudalism, who were those barbarians?  What is a fief?  What is a manor?
HW: None!

Day 2
In Class:  The Middle Ages of Europe! -- What is a manor? What are the social classes of Europe?  Who are the Big 3: Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, and Joan of Arc.
HW: None!

Day 3
In Class:  The Church during the Middle Ages -- Social hierarchy of the church and the sacraments
HW: None!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Week 5: Sept. 12-14, 2k18

Hey #Davis7, it's nearing the end of our Roman Empire unit and the beginning of the Middle Ages.  Where did the first ages go if we go directly into the middle?  Hmmm...

Day 1
In Class:  Roots Quiz! -- How Rome Falls...
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  So...How did Rome fall?  Let's take a look at what YOU think....

Day 3

In Class:  How Middle Are Your Ages?

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Week 4: Sept. 3-7, 2k18

Hey there #Davis7!  Welcome to Rome!

Get it? CAESAR salad?  Hahaha!

Day 1
In Class:  Roman Empire -- How did it fall? -- Contributions of Rome -- Art and Architecture -- The MEGACity -- Technology and cool Roman stuff!
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Roman Empire -- How did it fall? -- Language, we're learning some Roots and Prefixes!  Learn them learn them learn them! -- Trade!  Trade!  Trade!  The Pax Romana!

You have a Roots/Prefix Quiz on Wednesday, Sept. 12!
HW:  You have a Roots/Prefix Quiz on Wednesday, Sept. 12!  Know at least 10 roots/prefixes, their meanings, and an English word related to them. 

Day 3
In Class:  The Pax Romana!  So, How Did Rome Fall assignment? -- Choose what you believe are the five most important reasons the Roman Empire fell.  Explain your answers :)  This ought to be good!
HW:  You have a Roots/Prefix Quiz on Wednesday, Sept. 12!  Know at least 10 roots/prefixes, their meanings, and an English word related to them. 

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Mr. Barry's Block 7 Class

Hey Block 7, below is the video for the introduction to Rome.  Take notes and write down the things I highlight in the video.  Be sure you also watched the BrainPop on the Rise of Rome.  See you Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Mr. Barry's Block 7 Video

Hey #Untouchables #Serfs4Life, here is the plan for today's class (Wednesday, Aug. 29) while Mr. Barry is on the retreat.  Watch the video podcast below and enjoy some discussion with Ms. Fields on the ATL and then watch the video about Why Public Transportation Sucks and fill out the guided reading on it.  Cheers!

Why Public Transportation Sucks Video

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Video Podcast Review for Geography Test

Here is a video podcast that serves as a review for the test this week #Davis7...Enjoy!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Week #3 - August 27-31, 2k18

Hey gang, welcome to week 3 of Geography!  Were nearing the end of our Geography unit and have a lot to talk about...
Important Q's about Geography...
  1. What is geography?
  2. What impact has geography had on mankind?
  3. What impact has mankind had on geography?
  4. What are three types of maps?
  5. What is economic activity?
  6. What is the most devastating weapon in human history?
  7. What is consumption?
  8. How has farming done more to change the geography of the planet more than anything else?
  9. What is gentrification?
  10. What is human geography?
  11. What are some pros/cons of living in urban/rural areas?
  12. What is gross domestic product?
  13. What are some of the benefits and problems with public transportation?
  14. What are some of the pros and cons of oil production and consumption?

Day 1
In Class:  Living Urban vs. Rural -- Pros and Cons of both review (if needed)

ATL's problems with becoming the urban area and it's lack of public transit (textbook)

  1. What were some challenges ATL faced in 1998 just after the Olympics?
  2. How did the ATL choose to face these problems and were their decisions successful?

Gentrification of Atlanta Video Podcast

  1. What is it?  How does it affect the cities?  
  2. How is it affecting the A-T-L.

HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  ATL's problems with becoming the urban area and it's lack of public transit (textbook)   Read pp. 87-88 in the textbook and fill out the Q's in your guided notes related to the textbook.  Also, think about the following:
  1. What were some challenges ATL faced in 1998 just after the Olympics?
  2. How did the ATL choose to face these problems and were their decisions successful?

When finished with this we can see the public transportation and simply transportation in ATL in general, sucks.  Why does public transportation suck?  Let's watch the video below and answer the Q's in the handout...

When done....Watch the video podcast below on your own for review!

HW: Watch the video podcast for review you goofballs!!!

Day 3
In Class:   Geography Test!
HW: None!

Day 4
In Class:  Welcome to Rome!  Roman Empire Google Doc
HW:  None!