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You can also reach us at our Davis e-mails:
Mr. Barry --
Ms. Jordan --
Every week, we will post what we are doing in class, homework information, and any other notes. Please familiarize yourself with this blog, tell your parents/guardians about it, and check it daily. Thank you!
Day 1
In Class: Welcome to class! Quiz...No, you cannot study for it...
HW: Get your quiz signed by a parent/guardian for a HW grade by Friday...Please print the last page of the syllabus and have a parent/guardian sign it by Friday for a HW grade.
Notes: Geography Quiz Aug. 21
Day 2
In Class: Intro to Geography -- Geography Doc
HW: Get your quiz signed by a parent/guardian for a HW grade by Friday...Please print the last page of the syllabus and have a parent/guardian sign it by Friday for a HW grade. -- Geo HW due Mon. Aug, 21 -- Click on this link and answer the following Q's for a HW grade!
Notes: Geography Quiz Aug. 21
Day 3
In Class: Continue Geography Doc reading and discussion of Human/Physical Geography and the impact on us and the world -- Geography Doc
HW: Get your quiz signed by a parent/guardian for a HW grade by Friday...Please print the last page of the syllabus and have a parent/guardian sign it by Friday for a HW grade. -- Geo HW due Mon. Aug, 21 -- Click on this link and answer the following Q's for a HW grade!
Notes: Geography Quiz Aug. 21
Day 4
In Class: Continue Geography Doc reading and discussion of Human/Physical Geography and the impact on us and the world -- Geography Doc
HW: Geo HW due Mon. Aug, 21 -- Click on this link and answer the following Q's for a HW grade!
Notes: Geography Quiz Aug. 21