Day 2 In Class: Who were the winners and losers of World War I? -- Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points Speech
Summary of the Fourteen Points
No more secret agreements between countries. Diplomacy shall be open to the world.
International seas shall be free to navigate during peace and war.
There shall be free trade between the countries who accept peace.
There shall be a worldwide reduction in weapons and armies by all countries.
Colonial claims over land and regions will be fair.
Russia will be allowed to determine its own form of government. All German troops will leave Russian soil.
German troops will evacuate Belgium and Belgium will be an independent country.
France will regain all territory including the disputed land of Alsace-Lorraine.
The borders of Italy will be established so that all Italians will be within the country of Italy.
Austria-Hungary will be allowed to continue to be an independent country.
The Central Powers will evacuate Serbia, Montenegro, and Romania leaving them as independent countries.
The Turkish people of the Ottoman Empire will have their own country. Other nationalities under the Ottoman rule will also have security.
Poland shall be an independent country.
A League of Nations will be formed that protects the independence of all countries no matter how big or small.
HW: None!
Day 3 In Class: Quiz Assignment -- Choose one of the questions below and answer in as much detail as you can. This is to be written in paragraph/essay format. 5 point increments based on grammar, content, explanation…
The following quote has been said about World War I: “World War I generals used 19th century and old-fashioned battlefield strategies in a war that used 20th century equipment.” Explain how this statement is true.
World War I was a war fought in the trenches. Soldiers spent their lives in these trenches. How does trench warfare define World War I
Evaluate the use and impact of chemical weapons in World War I. Explain the pros and the cons for its usage. Was chemical warfare an important weapon of war – or do you think they were used for terror and shock value?
Monday - No School - Presidents Day -- Who's your fave president??? Day 1 In Class: Work day on the Elements of Nationalism Essay:
QUIZ Q: There are five elements to nationalism: Language, History, Religion, Culture, & Territory. You have a task. Choose three of these elements and explain why these are the most important elements and explain why you feel this way. Explain why these three elements of nationalism are the mostimportant. This is an opinionated question, however you should provide support in your answer. Do not say "I" "our" "us" "me" "we" etc...You must write in the third person...
Take the information we have discussed in class to do this assignment. The paragraphs should explain what the element of nationalism is and then you provide examples. Below is an example. You may not use it:
Territory is one of the most important elements of nationalism. A nation needs borders to show the rest of the world on the map what territory they own or control.
You will have an introduction to the essay answering the following:
1. What is nationalism? (define it) -- FIRST SENTENCE
2. What are the five elements of nationalism?
3. What elements are the three most important -- This is the thesis…
Each element is a body paragraph of between five-eight sentences long…
Conclusion -- Restating the thesis and redefining nationalism…
***This assignment will be graded in 5 point increments and must be typed, 12 Font, Times New Roman, One-Inch Margins, double spaced, third person, no contractions!***
-5 points for using first or second person
-5 points if you use a contraction in the paper
-5 points if you do not follow the instructions above
-5 points if you fail to define “nationalism” in the introduction
HW: Work on the essay -- Due Feb. 21, ALL CLASSES FOR BOTH Mr. Barry and Ms. Jordan! Day 2 In Class: The World Wars -- What were the five contributing factors to World War I? World Wars DocWorld Wars Guided Notes
HW: Work on the essay -- Due Feb. 21, ALL CLASSES FOR BOTH Mr. Barry and Ms. Jordan! Day 3 In Class: What did World War I look like? World Wars Guided Notes
Day 1 In Class: Continue our discussions of Nationalism. Here are the guided notes for the unit: Guided Notes Doc
-What is a nation-state?
-What makes a "nation" a nation?
Nationalism Video -- Though from an "anarchist" view, the definition of nationalism is PERFECT!
HW: None!
Day 2 In Class: The five elements of nationalism -- Simon Bolivar and the nationalist view in South America -- Examine the difference between Nationalism and Patriotism
Simon Bolivar - The Liberator Movie Trailer
Patriotism or Nationalism?
HW: None!
Day 3 In Class: How "National" is your anthem assignment then begin examining the other -isms: National Anthem HW assignment due Friday: National Anthem HW HW: National Anthem HW due Friday!
Day 4 In Class: The other "isms" in the world -- Communism, fascism, socialism, and capitalism -- Introduce the Nationalism Essay -- The essay is due Feb. 20 All Classes whether we have you that day or not!
QUIZ Q: There are five elements to nationalism: Language, History, Religion, Culture, & Territory. You have a task. Choose three of these elements and explain what you think are the three most important elements and explain why you feel this way. Explain why these three elements of nationalism are the most important. This is an opinionated question, however you should provide support in your answer. You must write in the third person...
You will have an introduction to the essay answering the following:
1. What is nationalism?
2. What are the five elements of nationalism?
3. What elements are the three most important -- This is the thesis…
Each element is a body paragraph of between five-eight sentences long…
Conclusion -- Restating the thesis and redefining nationalism…
***This assignment will be graded in 5 point increments and must be typed, 12 Font, Times New Roman, One-Inch Margins, double spaced, third person, no contractions!***
-5 points for using first or second person
-5 points if you use a contraction in the paper
-5 points if you do not follow the instructions above
-5 points if you fail to define “nationalism” in the introduction
Hey #Davis7, I know I have not seen y'all in a week and I am so sorry for that. I just cannot shake this sick for the life of me!
READ THIS CAREFULLY!!! I am giving you the Essay Question right now. Take the handout on the back desk of my classroom that says "7th grade essay Question"
This essay will be HANDWRITTEN on the sheet of paper I provided you and on excess lined paper if necessary. You MAY NOT type the essay unless you have special accommodations provided by DLC or other forms.
You have today's class and tomorrow's class period to do the following. This essay is a test grade. Read the following carefully:
-On the LEFT side of the board are instructions on HOW to write the essay. You may use your notes/docs to write the essay, however, you may not use any websites or videos other than the two videos you've watched already.
Introduction: The essay will start with the following sentence "A revolution is an overthrow of government or a series of significant changes". You will also have a thesis statement that states why the events during the Scientific, Industrial, and French Revolution were, in fact, revolutionary.
Body Paragraph 1 -- Scientific Revolution -- Choose a minimum two events during this time period and explain WHY these events were revolutionary -- Did they change the way people thought about science? How? Explain!
Body Paragraph 2 -- Industrial Revolution -- Choose a minimum two events during this time period and explain WHY these events were revolutionary -- Did they change the way people worked? Was new technology introduced that revolutionized the way things were made? How? Explain!
Body Paragraph 3 -- French Revolution -- Choose a minimum two events during this time period and explain WHY these events were revolutionary -- Was the French government overthrown? What events lead to the overthrow of the government How? Explain!
Conclusion -- Conclude your essay and restate your thesis.
All essay rules apply -- No first or second person! No contractions! Mechanics count! 5 point increments as always. WORK ON YOUR OWN AND NO TALKING AT ALL! You will have class time tomorrow to write the essay as well, however the essay is due by the end of the period tomorrow!
Monday, February 3, 2020 - No Classes - Holy Sites Tour based off of our World Religions Units. We will visit a Mosque, a Hindu Temple, and a Buddhist Temple in the metro Atlanta area today!
Day 2 In Class: We're going to give you the essay test question today:
In a five paragraph essay you are going to answer the following question: How did the events/discoveries of the Scientific, Industrial, and French Revolutions prove they were in fact revolutionary? In your introduction, you will define the word “revolution” and develop a thesis statement that explains how each of these revolutions are accurate definitions of the word.
Each revolution is a body paragraph. You must provide at least two examples from each revolution in your explanation. Your conclusion will restate the thesis and redefine the word “revolution” You may NOT write in first person! The essay will be graded in 5 point increments and will be graded on both content and writing mechanics. Good luck!
HW: None!
Day 3
In Class: Revolution Essay Test!
HW: None!
Day 4
In Class: Welcome to Nationalism! -- Nationalism Doc -- Q's we should be able to answer during this unit:
1. What is imperialism?
2. What is nationalism?
3. After looking at the Wikipedia definition, what are some key words/phrases that give us a good definition?
Though the video below is from an "anarchist's point of view" the video does a good job of explaining WHAT nationalism is. Let's watch it!