John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Saturday, May 18, 2019


Hey #Davis7!  This is our LAST UNIT of the year!  How crazy is that?!

Day 1
In Class: Finish China video if necessary - China Quiz
HW:  None...sorta.

Day 2 & 3
In Class:  Learning about Mt. Everest: The highest point on earth... 
HW:  Answer this ONE question for HW in as much detail as you can explain:  If you were given the chance to climb Mount Everest, would you? Explain your answer in a minimum 3 sentences telling me why you would/wouldn't.

This is what it actually looks like to ascend to the top of Mt. Everest, 29,029 feet above sea level

  1. Why do you think people are so attracted to Mount Everest?
  2. When was the first successful ascent of Mount Everest?
  3. Why do climbers need to acclimatize?
  4. What are two problems with the popularity of climbing Everest? Problems Article
  5. How long to people generally spend at Base Camp when they arrive? What problems or issues do you think they face at Base Camp?
  6. What is one impact tourism has had on Nepal because of climbing Mount Everest.
  7. About how much does it cost to climb Everest?
  8. How high is Camp I and how long does it take to get from Base Camp to Camp I?
  9. Who are Everest’s expert climbers?
  10. How high is the highest camp, Camp IV, and what is the nickname for Camp IV?
  11. Between 1953-1990s, how much garbage has been left on Everest?
Day 4 - No Class - Field Day!

Last Week of School -- Watching "Everest"  

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Week 36: May 13-17, 2k19

Hey #Davis7, welcome to China!  This is our second to last unit and we're going to explore China in the 20th century and beyond!

Day 1
In Class: Continue our China unit with the chapter reading and discussion about China's evolution... 1911 Revolution...1949 Chinese Civil War...Mao's Great Leap Forward...Mao's Cultural Revolution...Tienanmen Square...

Tienanmen Square Protest coverage on CNN

5 Facts About Tienanmen Square

Tienanmen Square Protest 25 Years Later 2014

HW:  Read the following article about the possible Trade War between the United States and China:  China Trade War USA Today-- Answer the following Q's with the article - DUE BY DAY 2!!

Day 2
In Class: Finish going over the chapter reading Q's -- Watching the following videos about the possible Trade War with China... Why is the United States in a trade war with China and how does a trade war affect both the United States and China?

The Rise of China's Economy Documentary...

Trade War: China Battling for World Power

The US and China Relations Regarding the Tariffs

HW:  None! -- China Quiz on Monday

Day 3 & Day 4
In Class: Finish going over the trade war discussion -- Watching PBS: The Story of China -- Answering Q's with the video over the next two days of class.  HW Grade!
HW:  None! -- China Quiz on Monday

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Week 35: May 6-10, 2k19

Day 1
In Class: Looking at the article of what it truly takes to make a sneaker -- Article Click Me! -- Wages and wage discussion -- Unemployment numbers discussion
HW:  Study for Globalization test!

Day 2
In Class: Globalization Test!
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class: Introduce China -- The World's Most Populous Nation!

HW:  None!

Day 4
In Class: Continue with China - The World's Most Populous Nation!
HW:  None!