John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week 34: April 29-May 3, 2k19

Welcome back from DC and Spring Break...We enter one of our last units: Globalization!

Day 1
In Class:  Turn in your DC Journals -- Introduce our new unit: Globalization! -- Chapter Reading
HW:  Sneaker Google Form due Tomorrow!
Image result for All Nike AirMax

Day 2
In Class:  Go over our Sneaker Google Form HW :)  This should be fun!   Globalization! -- Chapter Reading
HW:  How T is your Shirt Google Form!  Due by Day 3 -- Enjoy this one!

Day 3

In Class:  Go over our T-Shirt Form HW and then watch this video below about how a T Shirt is made!  :)  This should be fun!

  Globalization! -- Chapter Reading
HW:  None!

Day 4
In Class: Globalization! -- Chapter Reading

HW:  None!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019 - Mr. Barry's Classes

#Davis7, I am clearly not in school today, so here is what you are tasked with...

Yesterday, we read about the Capitol building, Congress, and some of the monuments in Washington, D.C.  Please do the following in class today..

Finish answering the Pre-Trip Q's about the memorials in your journal.  When finished with the Pre-Trip Q's, put the Trip Q of the memorials/monuments on the next page and leave two pages in your journal.

Begin reading about the Holocaust Memorial and put the Pre-Trip Q's in your journal and answer those Q's.  The answers to these Q's can be answered with what you have learned in Jewish Studies class.  When finished with those Q's, create a page for Trip Q's for the Holocaust Museum.  Leave at least one page for the Holocaust Trip Q's

When finished with the Holocaust Museum information, please move onto the Air and Space Museum Pre Q's.  Read through the Air and Space Museum section and answer the Pre-Q's.   This will probably take you one or two pages.  When finished with the Air and Space Pre Q's, please put the Air and Space Museum Trip Q's in your journal and leave two pages...

IF you finish all of this for your journal, you may begin the "Frieze HW" from the Capitol section of your journal.  Have a great day and see you Thursday!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Week 32: April 8-12, 2k19

Day 1 
In Class:  Continue our Washington, D.C. prep -- Smithsonian Museums -- Mount Vernon  -- Capitol Building
Smithsonian Museum Founder...

George Washington's Mount Vernon

HW: None!

Day 2
In Class:  Continue our Washington, D.C. prep -- Capitol Building -- The Monuments -- The Holocaust Museum
HW: None!

Day 3
In Class:  Continue our Washington, D.C. prep -- Holocaust Museum -- Air and Space -- African-American Museum

HW: None!

Day 4
In Class:  Finish our DC prep -- African American History Museum & Ford's Theatre...See you Sunday morning!  Don't overpack!