John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week 12: Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 2k18

Hey #RenaissanceThinkers welcome to the World Religions unit!

Day 1
In Class:  Turn in Renaissance Dinner Party -- Introduce the World Religions Unit...
  1. What do you know about Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity?  
  2. What is religion? Why do we have religion? 
  3. What does religion do for mankind?  
  4. How does religion have both positive and negative effects on mankind?
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Introduce Islam Doc -- What is Islam?  When was it established?  Who is the leader/founder of Islam?  What are some the Islamic practices? Islamic Truths vs. Myths -- Islam Vocabulary

HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  Islam Annotation Reading -- Five Pillars and Annotating the chapter... You each have a copy of Chapter 7 from the text.  Your assignment is to annotate the chapter…While you read, you are highlighting keywords, circling important sentences/concepts, putting definitions into your own words, asking questions about concepts or statements you do not understand, and summarizing information as you read...

  1. Who is the founder of Islam and where is he from?
  2. Be able to identify on a map where Islam was founded what what geographical features are in the area
  3. What were some of the issues concerning Muhammad as an adult?
  4. What does Muslim mean?
  5. Why do you think Muhammad’s teachings were met with rejection?
  6. Know what a caliph is and what their role was in Islam.
  7. Distinguish between the Shi’ites & Sunnis
  8. How many times a day do Muslims pray?
  9. Provide three things Islam & Judaism & Christianity all have in common.
  10. For Muslims, the Quran contains what important message(s)?
  11. What is the Sunnah? What makes it different than the Quran?
  12. What are the most basic acts of worship in Islam?
  13. Use the graphic organizer/picture doc to learn about the Five Pillars of Islam.  Provide as much detail as you can to understand each of the Five Pillars...
  14. What is the Ka’bah?  What color & shape is it?
  15. What does jihad mean & what does the Quran tell Muslims to do for Islam?
  16. What is the Shari’ah and what are some examples of Shari’ah?
  17. HW:  Finish your annotation and 5 pillars of Islam for HW and be ready to discuss Friday

Day 4
In Class:  Islam Quiz -- Go over the annotated notes of the chapter and the Q's
HW: None

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 11: Oct. 22-26, 2k18

Hey #RenaissanceThinkers, I know, this is a big upgrade from #Serfs4Life!  We're entering the heart of the Renaissance with our Ninja Turtles and Dinner Party assignments...Enjoy!

Day 1
In Class:  Go over Raphael's School of Athens fresco -- Introduce the Ninja Turtles reading assignment -- Renaissance Dinner Party!
HW:  Dinner Party Assignment due Oct. 29!

Day 2
In Class: Renaissance Dinner Party Reading -- What figures were key to the Renaissance outside of Italy and who were they?
HW:  Dinner Party Assignment due Oct. 29!

Day 3
In Class:  Renaissance Dinner Party Reading -- What figures were key to the Renaissance outside of Italy and who were they?
HW:  Dinner Party Assignment due Oct. 29!

Day 4
In Class:  Renaissance Dinner Party Reading -- What figures were key to the Renaissance outside of Italy and who were they?
HW:  Dinner Party Assignment due Oct. 29!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Khan Academy Renaissance Video

THE School of Athens video from Khan Academy...

Handwritten -- How is Raphael's School of Athens fresco THE image of the Renaissance and how doe this fresco illustrate humanism, classicism, and philosophy?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Week 10: Oct. 15-19, 2k18

Hey #Serfs4Life, it's time to continue our study of the Renaissance!  

Image result for the renaissance
THE greatest piece of artwork from the Renaissance! (Mr. Barry is biased)
The School of Athens, Raphael

Day 1
In Class:  Renaissance Doc -- What was the Renaissance?  What did the Renaissance do to Europe?  Compare and Contrast life in the Middle Ages vs. Renaissance
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Renaissance Doc -- Humanism, philosophy, and the study of science during the Renaissance!
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  Chapter Reading -- The Italian Renaissance -- Why Italy???
1. Why do you think Florence, a “banking center” had an impact on the birth of the Renaissance?
2. Name three famous Renaissance thinkers (who are also Ninja Turtles) born in Florence.
3. Architects and engineers were particularly attracted to what types of architecture?
4. Briefly describe two Renaissance advances in paintings techniques?
5. How do you think painting perspective changes the way people look at artwork?
6. What is significant of Donatello’s David?   About Michelangelo’s David?
7.  What were two ways in which Renaissance literature differed from Medieval Literature?
8.  How did the study of science change during the Renaissance?  Do you think we see some of these ideas/practices in science today?
9.  You just read a little bit about Leonardo da Vinci but there’s SO much more to learn about him.  Read the passage from the chapter then click here to read the article about Leonardo da Vinci and then click here to watch a video about him.  What do YOU think was da Vinci’s two greatest accomplishment and what do you think was his greatest attribute? (don’t know what attribute is?...look it up!)
10.  How did the Medici family influence and rule in Renaissance Florence?
11.  What book did Machiavelli write and what was the book about?

HW:  None!

Day 4
In Class:  Go over the Italian Renaissance Q's from Day 3 -- Introduce the School of Athens!
Image result for the renaissance
HW:  None!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Week 9: Oct. 8-12, 2K18

Hey #Serfs4Life!  We've left the Middle Ages and now enter the Crusades and the Renaissance Era!

Day 1
In Class:  Finish Church Hierarchy in Medieval Europe...The Seven Sacraments...

Catholic Church Hierarchy
Image result for church hierarchy in medieval europe

The Seven Sacraments

Welcome to the Crusades -- What is a crusade?  What were the Crusades? Who fought in the Crusades?  What were the results? -- Enter the BLACK DEATH!!!
Image result for the crusades
HW: None!

Day 2
In Class:  The Black Death and Europe -- What was the Black Death?  What did it do to Europe?  Has something like this happened in recent history?  What impact does disease have on mankind?

HW: None!

Day 3
In Class:  Finish the Black Death -- Welcome to a Renaissance!
Image result for the renaissance

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week 8: Oct. 2-5, 2k18

Welcome to Week 8 #Serfs4Life...

Day 1
In Class:  Working on the Coat of Arms project -- Due Friday!
HW:  Coat of Arms project

Day 2
In Class:  Working on the Coat of Arms project -- Due Friday!
HW:  Coat of Arms project

Day 3
In Class:  Working on the Coat of Arms project -- Due Friday!
HW:  Coat of Arms project

Day 4
In Class:  Coat of Arms Project due -- Enter the Crusades!
HW:  None!