John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Week 27: Feb. 26 - March 2, 2k18

Hey #Untouchables!  We are in our second week of European Exploration with a lot ahead of us!

Day 1
In Class: Go over the slavery video podcast -- What impact did the Portuguese slave trade have on Europe, Africa, and the Americas?
HW: Colombian Exchange due by Day 2 -- Click Me for Colombian Exch. HW Assignment

Day 2
In Class: Go over Colombian Exchange -- Watch the John Green Flick!

Introduce the Explorers!  WHO where the men who explored the world?  Where were they from? What did they discover? ...We'll answer some of these Q's here!
HW: None!

Day 3
In Class: Continue the Explorers --Introduce the Explorers!  WHO where the men who explored the world?  Where were they from? What did they discover? ...We'll answer some of these Q's here!
HW: None!

Day 4 -- No Classes -- Purim!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

HW Assignment due Feb. 26, 2K18

Hey #Untouchables, we've got a HW assignment for you!  The Portuguese introduced something fairly revolutionary in the 1400s, race-based slavery.  Race-based slavery is the concept of enslaving another race because they are "different."  The word "slave" originates from the Slavic people who were captured during a time of war and then "enslaved."

We've talked about the reasons for European exploration and the effects of exploration so think of the following over the next week and when you do your HW assignment...

1. What effects had the largest impact in world history?
2. Who was directly affected by European exploration?
3. What nations were involved in exploration?
4. Why these nations?
5. What impact did these nations have on the nations they traded with?
6. What were some notable discoveries by the explorers?
7. What were the pros and cons of European exploration?


Watch the video podcast below about Portuguese slavery.  In as much detail as you feel you can explain answer the question: How did the Portuguese' introduction of race-based slavery impact the Age of Exploration?

Typed -- MLA Format -- 12 Font -- Times New Roman -- Double Spaced --    -5 points for not following these directions.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Week 26: Feb. 19-23, 2k18

Hey there #Explorers!  We're in full force of European Exploration!  This week we will look at the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, French, Muslim, and English explorers of the 1400s-1700s!

Mr. Barry just thinks these videos is cool...It's not required or anything, but I dig it! :)

Day 1
In Class:  Age of Exploration Doc (Age of Exploration Doc) -- Chapter Reading -- Here are some excellent questions to think about when learning about the Age of Exploration...
1. Who explored?
2. Where did they leave from?
3. What nations led the way?
4. What enabled them to lead the way?
5. How did they explore?
6. Where did they end up?
7. What were their effects...
HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:  Age of Exploration Doc (Age of Exploration Doc) -- Chapter Reading
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  Go over the Age of Exploration Doc -- Spanish and Portuguese Exploration -- French and English Exploration...
HW:  Watch the video podcast below and answer the following Q in as much detail as you can -- Typed, MLA Format, Double Spaced, Times New Roman...DUE Monday, Feb. 26

How did the Portuguese' introduction of race-based slavery impact the Age of Exploration?  What were some effects?

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Week 25: February 12-16, 2k18

Well #Untouchables #Serfs4Life #Padawans, we've finished our World Religions Unit!  Can you believe it's been six weeks?  Holy Cow! (Get the Hinduism reference there???)  We are moving into an Age of Exploration now from the 1400s-1600s.  Put on your sailor's cap and let's start exploring!

Day 1
In Class:  Finish up Christianity and Introduce European Exploration (1400-1600s) Exploration Doc

HW:  None

Day 2
In Class:  Continue with Exploration -- What did Europe look like in the 1400-1600s?  Why explore?   How did they explore?   Who explored?  How hard was it?...Hard btw...

HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class:  Continue with Exploration -- What did Europe look like in the 1400-1600s?  Why explore?   How did they explore?   Who explored?  How hard was it?...Hard btw...

No Class Friday -- President's Day Weekend!  Huzzah Presidents!!!