John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Mr. Barry's classes - Monday, Dec. 16, 2k24

Final Midterm Study Guide Video


Hello my little Pumpkin Dumplings!

The Scientific Revolution!

I'm pretty frustrated that I am not in school today. My refrigerator broke last Wednesday & I was unable to get one delivered this weekend. The only darn time Lowe's could deliver was today. BUT, I did eat a lot of Three Dollar Cafe wings & had some Chinese food delivered!....The only reason I went to Lowe's over the Home Depot was because they could deliver a refrigerator faster. I prefer Home Depot over Lowe's big time...

Ok...Anyways...No more life story... Please watch the following flick...The video introduces the Scientific Revolution then gives them a short assignment that will be HW due Day 2 of this week: Please read pages 3-6 in the document. Answer the following Q's in your notebooks:

  1. Today, we know that mankind has travelled into space. We know the Earth revolves around the Sun. We know the planets in our solar system. Do you think it is possible for yourself to believe that the Sun, Earth, weather patterns, length of days, length of nights, etc were not able to be proven through science? Imagine you have NO idea about science. How do you think people in the past figured out how the world works without the technology we have today? (opinionated)
  2. Why do you think it’s difficult for people to accept new ideas that challenge what they already believe? Can you think of any examples of where this has happened in history or even today? (Opinionated)
  3. What were the two main sources of information for their understanding of nature? — In the reading
  4. What were the two powers used to understand the laws of nature? Heck, what do you think the phrase "laws of nature" means? — In the reading
  5. The Columbian Exchange created a new world of trade & the sharing of ideas and concepts from other civilizations. How difficult do you think it was for Europeans to accept and learn new ideas about math & science from the Arabians, Asians, and Native Americans living all over the world? (opinionated...really hard, too)
  6. How do you think the invention of the printing press impacted the Scientific Revolution? (opinionated)
  7. Who was the first Greek philosopher who wrote about logic? Heck...Look up the definition of logic. Now, put it into a 7th grade definition that you would use to explain to a peer of yours.
  8. If you could ask a scientist in the 1600s one question about how the universe works, what would it be? Why? (opinionated)
  9. What do you think happened to scientists who printed books about the universe that conflicted with the church? (opinionated)
  10. This is gonna be the hardest opinionated question 🙂. People struggle understanding that religion and science can explain things. People struggle to understand that religious and scientific ideas can be wrong. What is something you struggle to understand where religious ideas and science conflict with each other. (opinionated)

Thursday, December 5, 2024

2024 Midterm Study Guide & Flicks!

#Davis7, Ms. Jordan and Mr. Barry have posted the 2k24 Midterm Study Guide below:

Also! Mr. Barry has made Midterm Review Flicks here! See below!

Q's 1-17

Q's 18-34


Essay due December 13!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Christianity Unit

We've entered our last of the three world religions in our World Religions Unit: Christianity


Though you are answering most of the Q's below in text format, Ms. Jordan and Mr. Barry would like a minimum of eight drawings on your mind map about Christianity that demonstrate your understanding of the Q's below.  These eight drawings can be answers to the Q's below or of something related to what you learned in the doc/unit about Christianity.

Christianity Mind Map Project - Quiz Grade

  1. Which nation has the largest number of Christians?  Approximately how many Christians are there in the world?
  2. List the four main sects of Christianity according to the colored chart above.
  3. Where was Christianity founded?
  4. What are the 3 nations with the largest Christian population? (above map)
  5. Who are the 4 Gospels & based on each “bubble” for a Gospel.  What does each Gospel explain?
  6. Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper is arguably the most iconic & famous painting of Jesus’ last meal.  What is The Last Supper supposed to be and what is the message in the painting?
  7. Who is John the Baptist?
  8. Briefly explain who Mary was.
  9. What is the immaculate conception?
  10. List four important teachings of Jesus Christ?
  11. What is the parable of the Good Samaritan? What is the message in this story?
  12. Did Jesus try to create a new religion?
  13. Why did the Romans fear Jesus?
  14. A schism is a division among something.  What two churches did the Great Schism create in 1054?
  15. What type of Christianity did Martin Luther create?  Why did Luther have these ideas?
  16. What is a sacrament?
  17. What is baptism?
  18. What is Holy Communion? 
  19. What is the Holy Trinity?
  20. Why is Sunday considered the day of church services?
  21. Do Christians believe in eternal life?
  22. What is Easter?
  23. What is Good Friday?
  24. How are Judaism & Christianity similar in their beliefs?
  25. Provide three other things you learned about Christianity in this unit!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Week of Nov. 18-22, 2k24

We have a few flicks & a solid Hinduism Unit Doc that will help you complete the following project!

Compose an acrostic poem for the word Hinduism.  Follow the guidelines below.  This is worth two quiz grades.  Ms. Jordan & Mr. Barry will provide you with the paper,  colored pencils, markers, etc to work on the project in class.  

The poem must be handwritten, so take your time writing the information so it “looks” legible :)  There must be color!  Write the letters/sentences in different colors!

Include a minimum of three sentences for each letter in the word Hinduism. 

  • You must use every word listed here in bold and one of these words must be in each letter of the acrostic poem..  All of these words are in the document:  Dharma, karma, Sanskrit, Brahman(ism), deity, caste system, Vedas, pilgrimage, samsara, cow, atman, water, Holi, aum
  • Provide one drawing per letter in the acrostic poem.  They must be related to one of the key words listed in the poem.  Ensure that it relates to the letter of the poem.  Must be a color picture or there must be color in the picture!  Hindus LOVE LOVE LOVE COLOR!
  • Color Color Color!  Hindus believe very deeply that color is important to culture and life.  Use color!  Look at the images we’ve examined over this unit and attempt to match the patterns if you can.  Use different colors for each letter/sentence.  Write that sentence in the color you use for the letter!