John Adams

"Children are our best natural resource..."
--Herbert Hoover

Friday, October 11, 2024

Week of Oct. 14-18, 2k24

School of Athens Essay!
Due October 16, 2k24

The School of Athens is regarded as one of the greatest pieces of artwork in the world. Using the information you learned from the Khan Academy video and the text below about the fresco, you are to answer the following question:

How does Raphael’s School of Athens illustrate Renaissance art & show examples of classicism, and philosophy?

This is an essay that may not be longer than three pages typed, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. -5 points for any of these rules not followed. The essay will be written in the third person!

The paper will have an introduction of 3-5 sentences that explains to the reader (me) the following information:

  1. Who painted the School of Athens & when was the School of Athens painted?
  2. What was Raphael’s purpose for the painting? & where is the School of Athens fresco physically located?
  3. Thesis statement saying this fresco is a good example of Renaissance art because…

Your essay will have three body paragraphs
  • The first body paragraph will explain what the Renaissance was & provide an example of how the Renaissance was different from the Middle Ages. 4-6 sentences!
  • The second body paragraph will be about classicism. The first sentence will be the definition of classicism and provide at least two examples of how classicism is illustrated in Raphael’s fresco.
  • The third body paragraph will define philosophy. The first sentence will be the definition of philosophy and provide at least two examples of how philosophy is illustrated in Raphael’s fresco.
  • Conclusion/Concluding sentence – Restates how the School of Athens is one of the best Renaissance paintings/frescoes based on what you’ve read and typed in the body paragraphs
School of Athens Khan Academy Flick!

School of Athens Flick #2

Friday, October 4, 2024

Week of Oct. 7-11, 2k24

The Renaissance continues!

  • Compare and contrast the Middle Ages & the Renaissance...
  • Art in the Renaissance -- "The David" by Donatello & Michelangelo
  • School of Athens  by Raphael -- Essay!
  • Leonardo da Vinci! -- THE Renaissance Man.
  • Machiavelli! -- FEAR ME!

Donatello's The David

Michelangelo's The David -- The better one...


The Renaissance Dinner Party!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Week of Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2k24

A short week....But a GOOD ONE!

Answer the following Q’s in a two paragraph explanation.  Test Grade based on accuracy and grammar/mechanics.  5 point increments!

***Do not write in the first person!  Do not use contractions!  Write in the past tense!

Paragraph 1:

  • Define plague somewhere in the paragraph

  • When did the Black Plague first appear in Europe?

  • How did one first get the disease?

  • What were the symptoms of the disease?

  • How long did you have to live once infected?

  • Who did the people of Europe turn to when people wondered about the plague?  Were they able to provide answers?

Paragraph 2:

  • How did the people get rid of the dead bodies?

  • What did some plague doctors do to "cure" the disease and how did they dress?

  • How is the Black Death both similar and different to the Coronavirus?

  • Conclude the second paragraph answering: What were a minimum of three effects of the Black Plague & how many people died?

Welcome to the Renaissance!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Week of Sept. 23-27, 2k24

Finishing the Middle Ages! Yay! No more feudalism!

Answer the remaining Q's:
  1. Why was artwork in the Middle Ages just awful? What was the message or purpose in nearly all artwork in the Middle Ages?
  2. What was the purpose of the illuminated manuscript?
  3. How did a teenage girl save Feudal France? :)
  4. What are some similarities between Medieval Europe & Medieval Japan?
  5. What led to the fall of feudal life in Japan?
Coat of Arms Project! -- Due Sept. 27